
Eternal life has always seemed like a kind of living hell to me. No matter how good it is everything will ultimately become tedious, then you will have all of eternity to stew in that boredom until it drives you insane, then all of eternity to experience that insanity. By the end you will wish that there had been

Goddamnit this was probably the most boring thing I've ever sat through.

It looked like Bernard.

I had successfully buried my memory of that. Thanks for bringing it back up.

A couple of people died in a theme park in Australia just a few days ago. The park has already reopened.

You like many others here are missing the point. I don't expect them to be pleasant. I just want them to be REAL. Whatever the fuck that means.

Henry Cavill too.

Couldn't just let him be British. Because the idea of an immigrant doctor in the US is just OUTRAGEOUS.

I completely agree with your last paragraph and I think that's a good way of describing an authentic interaction.

Agreed, comments discussing future episodes should be removed.

I generally reward the few sales-people who actually put the time and effort into connecting with me with my money and future service. I can tell immediately when I am being looked at as a problem to be solved and am being processed. Even if you smile and say all the right things. It's false and insincere. Very few

Yeah, I do. I would go there. Unbridled hostility is not the only alternative to phoney niceness. I know it's hard to imagine, because it's largely been forgotten by our culture, but there are alternatives.

I totally agree and I don't blame the person behind the counter at all, but it depresses me that their fear of disobedience is so strong and effectively ingrained that they feel like they can't even risk taking a few seconds to have a real human interaction, especially when the place isn't busy and their isn't really

I find this problem particularly exacerbated in transactional relationships, when you can tell that the person behind the counter or whatever isn't really looking at you, but looking through you blankly and isn't really speaking to you or interacting with you, but reciting a script. I've literally had this

We've all encountered Lacies and Naomis in our lives haven't we? These insufferably insincere 'nice' people who we would actually prefer to be totally unpleasant and awful because at least that would be something closer to being a real person. There is something so disturbing and off-putting about them, because you

I didn't realise the technology had an augmented reality component. That's something I'll have to look out for on rewatch.

Disagree, the show is called Black Mirror, what does a television, ipad, computer, iphone screen look like when it's switched off? The show is all about technology.

This was definitely a slow burner, it wasn't until the disastrous travel segment that it really started to work for me.

I think this was a more thorough and serious investigation of the same concept.