
I think this episode is the closest Black Mirror has ever come to giving us a happy ending. The most cynical and darkest ending would have been for the guests at the wedding to have felt so much sympathy for her and her misfortunes that they all give her a high rating and then she would have rejoined the system as a

I always just saw it as a reference to the visionary creator of the assembly line who gave birth to the age of mass production. Although that is the more obvious reference.

Having the character be a tough lesbian type who wears masculine clothing, like Lea Delarias character on OINB would have been an interesting direction to go in.

I don't think I'm ready to make that call on Westworld yet. The original film is a classic.

Laverne Cox answered this in an interview a few weeks ago. Rocky Horror is a period piece. The difference between transvestite and transexual is a very recent development culturally. That's about it.

The first Evil Dead movie, which they were actually remaking was dead serious too. It deserves the same reverence as the exorcist, but because the sequels incorporated more comedic elements peoples ideas of what it was totally changed.

They are completely different kinds of shows. I honestly have no idea why you would compare them.

The low volume blood-curdling screaming in the background of the first scene at the bar was super creepy. I kept waiting for one of the characters to notice it, but no-one ever did.

It's always been canon that you can be possessed whilst alive and that once possessed you are pretty much fucked / basically dead already. This is how the possessions worked in the first movie. As for individual body parts being possessed the obvious example is Ash's hand in Evil Dead 2. Almost all of the supernatural

The problem as I see it is that Teddys loop is obviously much longer and has a signififgant preamble before he encounters Delores. What is Delores doing during this time?

The security team monitors the guests not the hosts, hence why those guys were stuck camping for two days. They avoid shutting units down for repairs until night-time to avoid world-breaking interference into the parks narrative.

The presumably family friendly part of the park is on the other side of the river.

Totally unlike the video games of today right? Which are all totally female friendly and devoid of sexism?

The show has showed what happens when gusts get shot on multiple occasions (nothing).

Didn't realise that guy was a Hemsworth. He was good. Character seems like an asshole though.

I really hope the other worlds end up coming up in this series. Roman characters would be really interesting in this universe.

I think Ford has a God complex and wants to create sentient life. He views humanity as being imperfect or maybe too perfect and is determined to move on to the next step. He has essentially achieved what he set out to do with the invention of the upgrade that gave the robots a subconscious mind. Having the ability to

I imagine they wouldn't have any real guns in the park for fear of accidents.

I just see him as a guy who's done every mission in the game and is looking for the secret or hidden quests. I wonder how many people who view him as monstrous or evil have done that with a version of Grand Theft Auto or something similar and fail to see the irony and the statement that the show is trying to make.