
Someone will get axed before the end of the season. No doubt.

Yeah, this is basically his bucks weekend. It's like a twisted old west version of the movie Sideways.

Also I doubt they'd program a robot to be a lesbian without it being designed to be a part of a male fantasy. This was the same woman who goes upstairs with the prostitute in the saloon after going on the quest with Teddy earlier in the episode was it not?

Also bullets in the park can't kill the guests. They can presumably be beaten to death, which is why the ending was so provocative, but getting shot merely results in a bruise.

The vague guilt backstory that Ford talks about with Teddy was I think deliberately juxtaposed with Bernards back-story about his deceased son. There is a reason they both occurred in this episode.

Yes, instead of sitting on them, they sit on you.

I think a lot of undecideds are people who lean republican, but haven't decided if Trump is awful enough for them to change their voting patterns.

I agree, but I find it annoying how much some people are attacking him. Dude is just a regular guy, asked a good question on a subject that hasn't been addressed in the campaign and is of interest to him based on his profession and some people are treating him like it's his own fault that he became a meme.

The only thing I'm bummed about is Sanders probably won't be around long enough to be a part of it.

He didn't say he was voting for Hillary, but he wrote a blog that basically said Hillary sucks for xy and z, but if her winning means we avoid a Trump presidency then so be it. I think he was arguing for third-party / abstinence / write in.

Exactly, there is a big big difference between a presidential candidate supporting policies that arguably negatively affect a particular demographic and confessing to actively committing acts of assault against people. It's actually not that hard to see why this is the straw that broke the camels back.

I was really shocked by that. I thought Romney knew better than to say something like that.

I'm furious that Trump has shown disrespect for women similar to the ones I own.

I think you've solved it.

Texas will fall back in love with the Republican party when Trump and his insane brand of politics is dead.

One in three people being assholes is basically consistent with what I've always believed about humanity.

I think the senates won. What we should be asking is whether the HOR is in play. If Clinton can maintain a double digit lead it could be possible for the Dems to take the HOR.

It's interesting. They are both products of privelige but Romney and Trump are basically polar opposites in terms of integrity.

HRC has an 11 point lead in pre-debate polls. A debate that she won according to 57 percent of viewers, to Trumps 34. That lead will grow. Holy crap. This isn't a battle. It's a slaughter.

I personally have never assaulted anyone. Have you?