
If by 'awful things' you mean 'admitting to sexual assault' as Trump did in this tape then you are very wrong.

I think she should play it like she's played he whole campaign, be boring and speak adequately, watch whilst Trump destroys himself and drags the Republican party down with him.

Won't happen, the voting has already begun and Trumps name is on the ballots.

It's amazing that the email leak wasn't great for HRC. She came up squeaky clean.

I really don't think 'idiots' is strong enough to be honest.

The significance of the death of the fly at the end of the episode, in case anyone was wondering, is that one of the robots guiding principles is that they will never consider bringing harm a living thing. That is why up until that moment, the robots don't even wave the flies away.

All your doing throughout these threads is trying to start arguments with people. You're even trying to start an argument with me about whether you're trying to start arguments or not. Are you really this self-deluded? You are a worthless antagonistic troll. It's at time like these I'm glad DISQUS has a block user

I don't give a crap about the original post. I was asking about the race of the character because it informs my understanding of the show. You're obviously here to pick fights with people so I invite you to fuck off and take your antagonistic attitude elsewhere.

100 days 100 nights should have been a much bigger hit than it was.

It's not uncommon for people to change their mind, but it should have been acknowledged.

The magic chitari bullets were a terrible idea. Luke Cages major power is that he's bullet-proof. Now that they've introduced bullets to which he isn't impervious they've basically undone his one major ability. When Mariah suggesting drowning, poisoning or honey-potting him I was thinking that the show would be

I feel like that was another one of the shows blaxploitation references. A lot of films of that genre had really over the top fourth wall-breaking closing monologues that functioned as the film-makers final empowering message to the audience. They were also often really confusing, had little to do with what had just

There was a whole scene of Mariah replacing it at the end of this episode, with an abstract painting of two disfigured characters wearing crowns. I think it's supposed to say something about Shades and Mariahs role in the series going forward and also Mariah view of herself as a more intellectual and sophisticated

I feel like it didn't know what it wanted to say about BLM and ended up saying very little to nothing at all. References were made, but they didn't add up to anything of any real substance.

Did you watch Jessica Jones? Their relationship was short-lived and ended poorly. Also Cage was under mind control for a significant portion of it.

I found it really interesting how one-sided that kiss between Shades and Mariah was. He didn't seem to be into it at all.

I buy Misty and Luke as love interests way more than Claire and Luke. I admittedly am yet to get around to Daredevil, but the way the character was depicted I imagined she would be too professional to become romantically involved with one of her patients. Her reasoning for wanting to be a superhero doctor is mostly

This is a show which doesn't hide the fact that race is one of it's most important themes, so yes actually, it does matter.

Unfortunately I think it has been established to merely be a clothing choice at this point. That isn't to say it isn't foreshadowing some kind of tech-based super-ability.

A few flashbacks to Lukes childhood would have helped.