
I liked him being a non-chalant, laid-back, old fashioned mob-boss who cares about the rules, but is also capable of throwing a motherfucker off a roof or blowing up a building if need be. He was like a Gustavo Fring type villain with a little more personality.

Shades and Mariah are way more interesting than Diamondback.

I agree that Diamondback is a paltry replacement for Cottonmouth, especially given all the great character building they did with Cottonmouth and the complete lack of adequate character building they did with Diamondback. I think they're playing a long game with turning Mariah into a villain though. They really

I thought he was biracial. Is the character confirmed to be Portuguese or just the actor?

Remember when we all though Netflix had really good taste in programming and knew what the hell they were doing? We were so naive.

Others have already written about this subject better than I can.

Well to put it quite simply, I don't believe Bowie was appropriating styles ironically.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who like Meatloaf ironically. In other words they find it's over the top arrangements and melodrama so distasteful or unfashionable that they derive humour from it. These people are human garbage. They fear emotional intimacy because of their own insecurities and close themselves of

I think there's also been a big movement away from earnestness and towards irony in music in the last few years. It's a deeply unpleasant trend. Nothing disgusts me more than irony in music. It's such a weak and pathetic way to get out of committing to an idea or sentiment. It's like these artists are saying 'Look at

Those people are tired of being alive.

Have you ever actually listened to more than one line of the song? He literally says exactly what he won't do for love right before that line in every verse. I know you're 'joking' but the joke is stupid, unoriginal, unfunny and based on the false premise that he doesn't say what he won't do when he clearly says he

You are missing out on a lot of great music and I pity you.

I imagine Fincher shooting 44 takes on average had something to do with it.

I'm shocked that Fincher shoots 45 takes. Almost all of his movies are great and some are indisputable masterpieces, but that is an insane amount of time and effort.

That's a good question and one that comes to me every time a guest like this is booked on one of these extraordinarily tasteless and awful infotainment shows.

In the words of Hamlet, trolleth harder n00b.

His sonnets were better than his plays imo.

I didn't even read this one, once again, fuck yourself.

I could write a response to this incredibly condescending troll post that intentionally misses the point of my comment, but I couldn't really care less so am instead simply going to invite you to fuck yourself.

I'm interested in checking out the Columbian television series. It seems much more like what I wanted this this show to be.