
That's misleading too!

Almost half of what is depicted in the show and mentioned in the narration is fictional, so please don't assume it's historically accurate.

In reality it was the result of a PR campaign to make up for the endless bloodshed he'd already caused, but this show is mostly fiction.

He got shipped off to Spain because the daughter of the former president was accidentally killed in a botched rescue mission by Search Bloc.

Wilder is one of the few actors who I think never put a foot wrong in his career. There isn't a single film of his I don't like.

Noah seriously made me question why I liked him in the first place, but I still think that Requiem For A Dream is a pretty great movie. Mostly because of the way it's shot and edited.

I can't tell if your arguing against the act of asking permission or for including the mother in the asking. If it's the latter I actually agree that the mother should also be included in the discussion in this day and age.

I'm assuming these questions are open to anyone in which case the answers are:

"It's just silly playacting and living out some princess fantasy"

Agreed, it's so childish. Waaaaah waaaaaah, you're a meany!

I imagine she says no, if he's really as much of a pathetic dweeb as the song makes him seem.

We call it 'asking for permission' but I think everyone knows that it really means 'stating intention'. The parent/s would have to be out of their mind/s to say no. Then again I think parents have become way worse in this regard i.e less guilty about meddling in the adult decisions their offspring wish to make in

The answer is just that it's tradition. You might as well ask why brides wear white, celebrants ask for objections or people exchange rings. It's all kind of pointless when you start to think about it for more than a few minutes. My brother in law asked my father before he proposed to my sister and my father as you

It's the pathetic way the guy keeps going back to the father to ask over and over after being rejected that gets to me. People who are actually going to do things don't make threats about doing them, they just do them.

I heard Johnny Cash never even went to San Quentin let alone shot a man in Reno just to watch him die! Fuck that guy.

I'm not saying it wasn't the closest thing there is to a just war or that we shouldn't be grateful, just that the allied forces were much more flawed than the cultural mythos would have us believe and sexual abuse was almost certainly a part of the German occupation in some places. Fury painted a very realistic

I'm sorry, but this movie actually does sound 1000 times more interesting that Suicide Squad.

I want so badly for that to be true, because if not it has made me decide against seeing the movie.

Seeing as the allied forces did all that was shown in Fury and much worse during the land invasion of Germany I figured that was the point of the film i.e that even the so-called heroes of the second world war were evil and that war corrupts all men.

Who cares? They both show up exactly the same in the click-count!