
The global economy is due to collapse at any moment and that's probably going to make frivolities like superhero films irrelevant first.

I've been underwhelmed by everything superhero related in the last year except Deadpool and Jessica Jones, because they actually had the guts to go in a new direction with the genre. Dark r-rated humour in the first instance and dark feminist psychological horror in the second. I even watched the first few episodes of

No, that was a different guy.

I suppose this show will fall into the Game of Thrones school of deliberately unsatisfying character deaths. It just sucks to come to this realisation after a season of getting invested.

I'm surprised they didn't go in a Jonestown Massacre direction with Jessie pleading with and failing to convince the congregation to stop. That would have been both consistent with the shows tone and less contrived than the cow fart explosion. They could have even had their cake and eaten it too by doing both.

It's both good and try-hard in equal measure. If I were younger I'd probably think it was the greatest show ever. As an adult I think it's very good with the occasional unlikeable moment here and there. Your enjoyment of it will depend on how much you like shows with crazy supernatural premises and unconventional

I think the rescue of Eugene will be one of the major plot-lines of the next season. I'm glad they are leaving that storyline open.

I feel like the mother killing the comatose daughter was specifically because she realised that there was a heaven and hell and that it was therefore pointless to prolong her daughters earthly existence, but I agree that we should have seen at least one character find peace in the knowledge that there is in fact an

I think the beard was also supposed to look especially fake. The overblown lighting was seemingly an attempt by the angels to hide these dodgier parts of the forgery.

I thought Emily killing the mayor showed that she could have a use in the story going forward. She's more devout, faithful and religiously obedient than the other characters, but can still justify killing when it's for the greater good or she feels it's deserved. Also she and Tulip seemed to represent the two

Thanks, missed that on first viewing.

Yeah, but that was kind of contrived and he'd already been inexplicably hanging out in town for a few days. There was something missing. I just don't believe the character would choose to stay there given the circumstances. It's a pretty small problem in the grand scheme of things, but it was one thing I felt they

Right, but given the official version of events, (which we have theorised to be incorrect), that he murdered a girl who rejected his romantic advances, does anyone think Eugene doesn't deserve to be in hell? I don't think you can hold Roots belief that Eugene deserves damnation against the character. He was trying to

I am of the complete opposite opinion. I think Odins storyline reached a natural conclusion. To put it simply, he won. He was proved mostly right and won his bet with Jessie. The only thing he was really wrong about was that God was absent, not non-existent, the ramifications of which are more or less the same. I

I agree. It would also really help to have Root hold Jessie to account for what he did to Eugene.

Maybe he's taken the Cowboys place in hell, living out the same events over and over.

At least half of the character building was pointless though.

The problem with Cassidy is that he had no reason to hang out in Annville for all this time and everyone seemed to fall in love with and be willing to kill for him right away, despite him not really doing much of anything to win their undying affection. I like the character, but they never came up with a convincing

I've only watched the show and my feelings on the series are that is was generally great, with only a few questionable moments, until this episode, which was much more mixed, but which they can recover from, depending what they do in the second season. Someone else commented that this was the weakest episode in a

That was my thought too, given the weekly intro depicts them in a brawl. I was expecting the church to break into that very brawl the whole time, like a believer vs non-believer thing.