
I thought there were a few problems with that scene, but the fact that everyone finds that guy losing his dick funny was definitely not one of them.

I wasn't sure if he was dead or just choosing to ignore the alarms out of sheer nihilistic apathy.

She was a prostitute. At the beginning of the episode the guy is pleading with his wife and / or significant other for sex and we are led to believe that he is turned down and that this is not an uncommon occurence. When he learns that God has abandoned the Earth he becomes nihilistic, hires the postitute to attend to

I understood why Root killed the seraphim fine. It was a mercy killing which he carried out incredibly reluctantly. I think the problem with understanding Root is coming from the character being depicted very differently in the comic books that in the television show, in which I've been told that he is written to be

The show did so much work on Emily specifically, establishing her complex relationship with Jessie, making her bond with both Tulip and Cassidy respectively and giving her a belief system and morality that totally contrasted with the other three central characters. To have killed her off in this fashion is pretty

I really think that the show is going to regret killing off at the very least Root, Emily and maybe Donnie. Fair enough if that's all we see of Quincannon as his ideological battle with Jessie is over and his cynicism vindicated, but what was the point in fleshing out these other characters if the show was just going

Right, so all I have to do is train until I have the physique of a professional athlete and action film star. Cheers, that seems totally doable and not at all out of reach of an ordinary person.

I honestly cannot believe you put Lady Dynamite and Sense8 in the same sentence. Sense8 might be the worst show I've watched on Netflix. Scratch that, Sense8 is the worst show I've watched on netflix with the exception of Nashville.

I found it to be a much lesser installment in the MCU franchise.

I hope your dick gets that flesh-eating virus that causes people's limbs to rot off.

Still better than Arrow, Flash, Gotham and Supergirl by substantial margins. Netflix actually seem to care about what they're doing.

Jessica Jones is far from invulnerable. She has super strength, but presumably the same pain threshold as an ordinary person. Also I don't know if you watched Jesiica Jones, but there's a whole subplot involving Jones punching Cage so hard that he suffers internal bleeding, which can't be treated due to his

This deserves a hundred more upvotes than I am capable of giving.

I think Kirk lost a lot more crew-members than Picard did.

Unfortunately I went back to college recently due to the industry I used to work in being almost entirely legislated out of existence and don't think 30+ women want to date students / interns.

27 in a few days. I'm holding out hope for my luck improving when my peers start balding and woman my age stop being so shit about it.

Where do you live? Because I can guarantee that isn't the case where I am from. Especially for women.

The master negotiator:

And the actress left for Becker, a Ted Danson vehicle which has been largely forgotten by history and in which she was also unceremoniously written off. What a waste!

God, so many scenes of the cast taking decontamination showers that consisted of them rubbing body oil all over one another.