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I watched it and should have turned it off halfway through. It seems to be from the setting up unanswered questions school of Under the Dome and Lost (the bad seasons when they were just making shit up, not the good fifth and sixth season when they had to write themselves out of the hole they created and the show

I will never understand the appeal of eggs benedict. Hollandaise sauce is like a really gross version of mayonaise which is already pretty gross.

If this Sulu is younger than Kirk, then perhaps the Romulan invasion caused his parents to conceive later somehow, meaning that the Sulu of this universe was born from a different sperm / egg combination, that made him gay.

Enjoy being blocked fucknut

Kirk is definitely pansexual.

Roddenberry was also probably a homophobe.

If it were me I would have waited by Roberts bed-side, fled the city faster than Renly when Roberts death was confirmed. Endorsed Stannis from behind the walls of Winterfell and used Roberts final will and testament as my justification. The theory being that if a civil war was to break out at least Ned could use the

I know you posted this 3 months ago, but Abbott was replaced about 12 months ago for poor performance. That can happen in Australia, unlike the US where you were stuck with a bumbling idiot war criminal for 8 years. Yeah, I think our democracy works better than yours to be honest.

He was being an asshole in his reply and you know it.

Are you familiar with the rule that if you can't contribute to a discussion you should shut the fuck up

If the show has a weak spot it's the villain storyline. I don't get it. I don't understand who he is or what he does. I don't know what his motivations are or how they've changed since Jessie told him to serve God. I don't know who those people he's killing are or why he's killing them. I don't know what the mayor or

If you're talking about the US I put it to you that your lackadaisical gun laws have already created a perpetual Purge state.

No, because the kidnapping, which took place before the Purge was in effect, was illegal. This would make an interesting episode of the Purge anthology miniseries though.

This is more a failing on behalf of the english language than whoever wrote the tagline. I can't think of another way to effectively communicate that idea.

As long as the Jay Leno mask is made out of Jay Lenos actual face I would condone it.

They went down the whole 'downfall of civilisation leads to horrible sexual abuse of women' avenue in the movie Blindness and the moment it crosses that thresh-hold it goes from great to totally unwatchable almost immediately.

Yeah I'm guessing Class 5 and over weapons are weapons capable of causing mass destruction and a lot of indiscriminate death. I wonder how long it took them to introduce that rule though. Imagine a civillian getting their hands on a hydrogen bomb or something.

Yeah that and the first film makes the argument that the upper class just go around killing anyone who can't afford to protect themselves meaning people who are desperate enough to commit petty crime no longer exist.

Beat me to it, Mexico is basically already a Purge country.