
That would have been way more interesting.

The villains in the first film are preppy frat kids at some Ivy League university who are chasing a homeless black guy through a rich suburb. They were creepy masks. The black guy takes shelter in some families house (most rich families just bunker down for the night). Remember that Rick and Morty episode with the

Yes, but this one even more so, for better or worse though the movie zips along at an almost insanely fast pace.

Good point, maybe Russ Hanneman will return.

I'm struggling to come up with a time where Gilfoyle hurt anyone to be honest. He's self-serving sure, but he couldn't make that more plainly obvious if he carried a neon sign that said 'self-serving' around with him everywhere he goes.

People have forgotten how good Blackwater was.

That was probably a mistake to be honest.

That's true of events in Kings Landing where hundreds of thousands of people live, not so much the Nights Watch, where they've gone from 100 or so men to a dozen or so and sending out Ravens hasn't been a priority.

What was that line Tyrion said about there not being more than 200 noblemen in all the world? The rest are just there to gaze adoringly upon them. I suppose the throne room was filled with the rest.

I think it's a combination of things. His wife is dead, his mother is a monster and the burning sept is a monument to his failure as a monarch. He will be blamed for the deaths of the high septon, the religious order and the Tyrell's whether he likes it or not, that or he will be branded as weak and ineffectual.

Dany could conquer Westeros without much bloodshed if a few more Kingdoms pledge allegiance to her. The biggest question of the show going forward is how the North will deal with Dany.

Was I the only one who expected Jon to reject the title and bestow it on Sansa? I wonder what the blowback will be when the people of the North discover that he isn't the true son of Ned Stark, but merely his nephew.

I 100 percent believe the next seasons penultimate episode or finale will involve the wall collapsing.

I think Little Finger still has some moves planned.

I don't think she could have predicted Tommens suicide. It seemed very much like an irrational spur of the moment choice even to him.

I think she's still in mourning, hence the dark colours.

Yeah, they tend to stick to medieval instruments.

If anyone from Kings Landing is an author surrogate it's Varys, the all-knowing puppet master pulling all the strings.

I knew what was about to go down as soon as the Mountain put his hand on Tommens shoulder, but I still loved it. The tension in that seen was aided brilliantly by the ominous minor key piano music. Interestingly I think this was the first time they've ever used piano in the shows soundtrack.

No, she was actually next in line, but the show couldn't explain why without it turning into a history lesson.