
She was next in the line of secession, by some twisty logic.

True, don't they also give her the indignity of an off-screen death?

Or Love, where both characters are worthless pieces of shit who don't even deserve each-other.

Yeah I loved that, even though he'd never met any of them before it was obvious to him that the dude didn't have a chance.

Her character adds nothing to the movie, despite being set up as a love interest for Goldblum and them actually having good chemistry.

The movie begins with him waking up out of the coma. It's one of the signs that the aliens are returning. Also they strongly suggest that one of his co-workers from the original film was actually his boyfriend.

The biggest problem with the movie is the number of characters and subplots. It's totally overstuffed.

This movie definitely doubles down on the pro-globalisation message. I think Emmerich was channelling Roddenberrys vision with none of the subtlety.

I think he looks like an ugly Matt Damon.

He's one of the least shit part of the movies to be honest. Charlotte Gainsboroughs character for example is fucking useless.

The movie makes a strange, timely and bold argument for unification and one world governments.

Until they exhaust those resources.

They want the Earths molten core. It fuels their spaceships. The big ship you see in the trailer is a drilling vessel. The attack in the original film was just the aliens doing preliminary work.

No, they always sucked.

It was mostly disappointing because it all played out so conventionally and we've come to expect twists and logical, but generally unused plot developments from GRRM. Sansa's letter writing to Little Finger should have been kept a secret until the actual battle, when LF and the Knights of the Vale actually showed up.

Ramsays plan was obvious from the outset, his best course of action would have been to make out like he was about to start running and make a lunge at Ramsays dagger and attempt to kill him.

He should have ran behind one of the flaming crucifix's.

Just about the only handy-man skill my father could teach me is how to make something worse by slathering putty all over it and how to make something even worse by throwing a tantrum at an inanimate object.

I have an unusual obsession with Anthill Art videos.

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