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He was great in Green Room. It's sad to think that will be his last lead roll.

Holy shit, that happened? I don't remember that.

*Director of Human Activities McNutt

I think the chicken will end up digging up a finger and Caputo will discover it running around the yard with it in its beak.

Justify it all you like you still sound like a fucking creep.

Rewatching the whole series right now as I wait for new episodes come out and they really seem to have tried to make her character unlikeable at the beginning to give her more of an arc.

I think in the novel there actually is a part where Gaiman describes the Gods of television and football, so he kind of beat you to the joke.

Once again, right back at ya champ!

You should be ashamed of making those comments. You did it intentionally to make a gay person feel like shit on, in your words, the day after fifty (gay) people died in a (gay) nightclub. There is nobody other than a homophobe or the most pathetic piece of garbage on the face of the earth who would do something like

Why don't you scroll up and reread the part where you berated a guy with 'don't shoot me' taunts, because you believe the shooter to have been gay and in doing so implied all gay people are violent people with homicidal tendencies.

Right back at ya champ! Considering that's what you were doing in this fucking comment section before I got here.

I couldn't write anything more insulting than your comments if I tried, so take your phoney outrage elsewhere.

I think it's enough to go on until more comes out.

It's pretty hilarious that wackjob conservatives like yourself are accusing people of 'exploiting the mass murder in Orlando for political reasons' when you are doing the exact same thing, only you're to doing it to whip up fervour for you figurative lynch-mob against minorities from countries that practice Islam.

The shooter was described as 'not religious' by his wife. I'm afraid it wasn't an attack motivated by religious bigotry, but just regular old home-grown American bigotry. The type enflamed and encouraged by the GOP and their policy agenda.

A significant number of americans are stupid enough to believe it too.

If you kiss with your eyes open you're a weirdo.

I think the guys in the coffee shop were people who also work in the tech industry, not just ordinary people. Hence why they were excited. It's Silicon Valley after all so it's not that unlikely for that to be the case.

I found that joke about everyone at the table wanting what Elrich ordered funny because at first it seems like an absurd ego trip for Elrich, but then you realise it was a classic power-play. If Elrich had showed everyone would have noticed and remembered him and by extension Pied Piper. As much as Elrich seems like a