
My personal opinion is that Aubry tanked the final tribal council, she came off as arrogant and aggressive when she really needed to humanise herself. Michelle on the other hand crushed it it her closing comments.

No way was Ugly Gotye voting for Michelle and he probably could have persuaded one of the Michelle voters to vote Aubry. Michelle won the game with the decision to remove him from the jury. This is one of the first times that an underdog in the final three managed to claw their way to victory. I'm not sure how I feel

I did and found it hilarious.

I like what it represented and what it was trying to achieve. The song on a musical level blows.

I had absolutely no sadness over the passing of my grandparents, mostly because I knew them well and I know how poorly they treated and seriously fucked up my parents. Miserable, vindictive and mentally unstable, every last one of them. Good fucking riddance. Still went to their funerals, but I cried more at the end

I also loved Selinas sad dance during the Tim McGraw song. JLD is a master of dance based comedy.

Oh right I get it. I don't relate to it because I'm not a thinking human. Go fuck yourself you pretentious douche. Your middle-school poetry class description doesn't make this thoroughly unremarkable music any more profound. Quite the opposite in fact.

Oh right I get it. I don't relate to it because I'm not a thinking human. Go fuck yourself you pretentious cunt.

I feel annoyed. Is that good enough for you?

Love that book

The Clash died when they fired Terry Chimes, even the other band-members admit it.

The 2nd and 4th things you listed are actually pretty cool.

I think all of this stuff can be hand-waved away when you consider the following:

Do yourself a favor and don't look up what happened to the kid who played Crabb.

Maisie is great. I am also a fan of the actresses who play Sansa and Dany, however Maisie is probably the strongest younger female actor on t he show.

Hey Arthur was the giant fucking turn in the punch-bowl of afternoon cartoons.

Haha, I get it! From that Simpsons episode! Ha ha! Funny! I can't believe no-one has thought to reference that yet! Hahahahaha! You're quite the original comedic talent!

She is really a smuggler though, that is literally what you are when you sneak something past a countries customs system and the evidence that outed her was paparazzi footage of the dogs, so she probably would have gotten away with it if not for that.

I don't understand why "smuggled" is in quotation marks in this article. They did it and they admitted to doing it. It's an indisputable fact that she smuggled animals into the country. That is the accurate and appropriate word to use for what she did.

Haha, fuck you, you actually think Bill Cosby is innocent? I was being facetious. I already know everything about you I need to know. You are the worst kind of person. Please do the world a favour and kill yourself.