
I always thought the original rick and morty died in the experiment that resulted in the explosion after solving the cronenberg virus and the ones that replaced them were from an alternate universe that failed to cure it.

Stannis derp. Unless you really believe he's dead.

I think Jon may have warged into his dire-wolf which is why it was so distressed in the last episode. The challenge will be getting him out.

There's no way they'll elect Davos.

As if that's an accurate description of the people who vote in primaries.

And I'm sure you defend Bill Cosby too.

Melinda and Melinda was the first Woody Allen movie I watched and by watched I mean watched halfway through and then switched off never to return.

Turns out that guy was a child molestor. Kind of explains his general off-putting creepiness.

Well then they fucked it.

They crossed the river because it was the only way to escape the dogs right? So maybe the dogs wouldn't cross the river?

Every month gets easier. 2 years sober myself this April.

Those sequels are a lot better than their reputation, far from perfect, but not as awful as people make out. I mean, I can easily think of entire series of big-budget action movies that are worse. The Amazing Spiderman films, the Star Wars prequels, the Resident Evil Franchise, every Pirates of the Caribbean movie

He's great at bringing depth to action movie roles, unfortunately he is buddhist and therefore conceives of himself as a pacifist, so he has long has an internal dilemma around portraying violent characters. That's why he hasn't been in as many movies as Statham for example.

Littlefinger maybe?

Also, braiding eachothers hair!

Kind of like Michonne in the Walking Dead?

How funny will it be if we get all the way to the end of the season before he's resurrected?

Clara is the most tragic companion character they've ever had. They set up this inevitable love story with here and Dany, even going as far as to show you one of their descendents, only to kill both of them off without ever reuniting them. That shit was cold.

The Disqus Downvote Exposer is such a valuable plug-in at times like this.

No-one will miss Clara, she stayed on one season too long for that to happen.