
Who's to say this isn't a story Jimmy and his mother laughed about for years afterwards? This is part of the reason Jimmy is so much more likeable than Chuck. Jimmy is the kind of person who can laugh at his mistakes. Chuck sees mistakes as a permanent mark on a person reputation. Jimmy is a risk-taker. Chuck plays

Michael McKean was great in that scene. Also the decision to shoot the whole thing upside down really made you sympathise with how disorientated he was feeling.

Whilst I agree that there's no line Jimmy won't cross to accomplish his goals I also think that he has an innate sense of right and wrong, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to help Chuck in the copy shop.

I don't hate him, but I do think that he's deeply flawed and that he shoulders his fair share of the blame for his increasingly antagonistic and toxic relationship with his brother.

I'm starting to think this show will really be about an ever escalating war between these two characters and Saul is reflecting on and confessing his sins from cinnabon purgatory.

As an adult with ADHD I wish my parents had tried literally anything at all.

I'd rather see an inaccurate depiction of Native American characters on television that provokes these kinds of discussions than the entirety of American pop culture continuing to pretend they don't exist.

You didn't notice the dead-eyed, wooden and emotionless love interest?

Classic Simpsons is anything before the person deciding what classic Simpsons is became an adult.

That awful actress from Lost in Ant-man?

This guy is married to my cousin. Small world.

He never does anything heroic unbegrudgingly. His total lack of empathy couldn't be clearer.

Snyder has never made a great film. Ayer has made two and a few good ones. As far as I'm concerned his track record is stronger.

Watched Rises on Netflix recently and my opinion of it has actually improved.

And even the hits have big problems.

Aerosmith are terrible. Just the fucking worst.

I think Cheap Trick have cited Steve Miller as an influence. They should have just got one of those guys to do it.

I think they intentionally leave some big names off so they'll have draws for later induction ceremonies. kind of backfires on them though when someone dies before they can book them.

Lars Ulrich is the Phil Collins of metal.

Agreed on one of the two examples you gave.