
I don't know, I'm kind of excited that the show has taken this big a leap into fiction. I do agree that it improved a lot in the second and third season, but I don't know how interesting Marcs life is for them to continue writing stories inspired by real events.

Yeah right, because drinking stolen alcohol alone and in secret in the middle of the day is totally not something an alcoholic would do. Alcoholics are only alcoholics if they kill people!


That's the funniest he's ever been and actually make me like him a little more. I appreciate that he has enough self-awareness to hear 'You're the biggest star here' and know exactly what that means.

But all of those things are so obviously nonsense. How does she think anyone believes them?

Debbie was surprisingly on point during the pre-vote discussion. I had the feeling Julia was on the fence and the way Debbie secured her with that super-idol information was impressive. She swings from competent to incompetent so quickly I get whiplash. She's one of the biggest wildcard players in recent years.

I think Tai is a lot closer to and on better terms with the women than any of the other males and so has a chance of pulling a Chris Daugherty dark-horse style victory, but that's only if the female alliance sticks together which history has proven is unlikely.

Jeff also loves Christians who talk about being Christian a lot.

The widely held suspicion is that he's had work done.

I think I would have preferred it if it was nothing but black dust, kinds of gets the point across a lot more efficiently no?

If Sadie had reacted negatively to him, which would have made more sense given his appearance and the way he was acting it would have probably been more effective.

Preventing 9/11 probably would have made the world a better place in my opinion, as the Iraq war would have never been justified, interest rates would have never been lowered, so the United States could borrow more money from itself in order to fund their various war efforts and the Global Financial Crisis wouldn't

I only watched the first episode of Man In High Castle. Is it worth going back and watching the whole way through?

I thought he played the character with enough dumb naiveté, childish selfishness and genuine malice and confusion towards the end to make the character work. I cannot speak for his accent though, as I am not American.

Yeah, that seems incredibly likely, also consider the way he met her twice after that in his last time-line in extremely different circumstances. I think there was a much bigger game going on that we have been led to believe. Perhaps the whole romantic subplot was an attempt by the Yellow Card Man to discourage him

I figured he was someone who died whilst in his own past after going through his own portal and was therefore unable to move onto the next life, so he's trapped haunting various alternate histories people create whenever they go through a portal. That's the only explanation I can come up with for his supernatural

Agreed on the Hobo thing, but my theory is that he doesn't have faith in his ability to make the relationship work again.

Can anyone explain the alternate history to me? What actually happened? All I got was the bit about Kennedy Camps, which to me makes it seem as if Kennedy lost his mind and became something of an Adolf Hitler analogue, which seems like a huge stretch.

I don't know about that, but I do think Riker was a sex-addict.

I wish they'd have the guts to make him openly gay in something. It wouldn't be as dramatic a change or betrayal of the character as much as having him murder people in cold blood, so why not?