
Nah, I think it's Eugene. He committed the cardinal sin on this show of having hope and/or plans for the future. It should be Abraham or Glen, but it will be Eugene.

I don't ever remember them doing that, they always just killed the unpopular characters or superfluous characters they didn't know how to write for. At least since season 3 or so.

Glen hasn't done anything interesting in two seasons. I hope it is Glen.

Did Ricks group ever demand that weaker groups give them half their supplies or be killed? That's hardly heroic.

Meanwhile Rositas still walking around in Tank Tops and short shorts, even a long sleeve t-shirt made out of a heavy material and jeans would be somewhat bite resistant.

It seems like they literally number in the thousands at this point.

I don't know why they didn't simply use Chekovs rocket launcher on any / all of those roadblocks. Seemed to work pretty good the first time. Just use the hatch on top of the RV, BLAMMO, then a bit of auto fire to take care of the stragglers, problem solved. On to the next one!

It's strange to think they're making that much from the show now when it is so far past it's peak.

Well did we really need to see Krieger fixing him again?

I can't believe this dumbasses dismissive comment below got 16 upvotes and your insightful analysis only had 1 at my time of reading. The quality of commentary and commentariat around these parts has plummeted.

Are you being serious with that last paragraph? Not having accidentally killed someone doesn't mean that a person isn't an alcoholic and the show does not make that argument.

It's not a comedy anymore than Orange Is The New Black or Transparent or Mad Men is a comedy. That is to say: Not at all. It's a drama. Why can't people tell the difference between comedy and drama anymore?

Without the discussions it generated I probably wouldn't have thought very highly of the show at all.

So you're saying Hollywood should award male actors roles based on their appearance rather than their ability? I can totally see how that would improve the quality of television shows.

That's not what this show is at all.

I don't see how Aziz's life as depicted on that show was any different from that of a WASP.

Flaked is better than Love in my opinion, because it sets out to be a character study on a compulsive liar and asshole, with an inherently unhealthy relationship at it's centre, whereas Love set out to be a dramedy about too quirky but likeable LA hipsters and failed spectacularly. They are very similar, it's just

She's completely crazy, a legitimate wild-card, her maneuvers will be totally random, varying wildly and ending up anywhere from extremely successful to laughably incompetent.

Right, hard to keep track.

I didn't know about Calebs tragic untimely death post-survivor until I googled him just know. What a shame.