
Mailman Dan was also pretty repellent on that season, but I think he at least had good intentions and just suffered from having almost no social skills.

Is Jason the most unlikeable person to have ever played survivor? The older seasons tend to fade from my memory pretty quickly, but I can't remember hating anyone more from the last three seasons or so. He's just a dumb, obnoxious, arrogant bully and I despise him.

I also missed that the recording equipment had moved between apartments and had assumed that Sadie had found his other place of residence.

I don't think we can definitively say what the point of bill was until the final episode airs. My personal theory is that he is simply more collateral damage and tragedy that Jake caused through his actions which will motivate some of his decision making in the final episode. Personally I think he's going to reset

I agree with this. Also it's 3 years of your life. You get 80 if you're lucky. If I failed the first time I wouldn't even make a second attempt. Just cut my losses and move on. Maybe use my knowledge of life in the 60s to write a book or television show about people in advertising or whatever.

My prediction is he will prevent the assasination only for everything in the future to be fucked up beyond all recognition and he'll have to go back to reset everything destroying Sadie in the process.

I didn't understand her complaint to be honest. She wanted to tell him 'bro, I know'. Okay, so, why didn't she just say that to him? Like those exact words? I didn't get it. Seems like a total non-issue to me.

Yeah, I've always seen that as their true purpose

Doesn't everyone who picks cheesy stuff and heavy cured meats end up wreaking havoc on their digestive system?

Neal looks so much like an uglier Gotye that it freaks me out every week.

I think Aubry flipped because she wanted to avoid a tie, no?

Reindeer Games, Dare-Devil. Ben Afflecks career has had more bombs than the Iraq war.

You should always start with the third season.

Mmmmmmm….. boiled chicken and brown rice! Yum!

I got the impression that everything only resets if he makes the trip again. That's part of the reason he hasn't gone back no matter how much of a mess he's made of things.

Always choose the redhead.

This x1000

I liked Cloud Atas. I really thought they were on a path to redeeming themselves, then no, it was proven to be a fluke.

Really? I thought they were trying way too hard. I feel like I've seen the same scene in countless movies.

I think they went hard with the past fighting back stuff at the start and then pulled back so that anytime anything happens that slows Jake down it seems like an instance of the past fighting back rather than the heavy hands of the writers, pretty clever really. See for example, the dog barking at him in this episode,