
I was thinking the same thing. He has no intention of staying with her and she obviously wants to settle down with someone or is from a time and place where settling down is the only thing anyone knows. What he's doing is pretty awful.

Did Oswald actually target General Walker? It seems baffling to me. He and Kennedy could not be further apart politically.

You're the one!

I liked The Shining tv adaptation.

You might want to factor in that the video has almost 10 million views and youtube ads generate $5000-$8000 per 1 million views, meaning he's made almost $50,0000 to $80,0000 from the video alone. Not bad for 14 months work.

They're usually the actual owner of the item. By 'usually' I mean always. Every segment on that show is staged.

Fair enough.

People are demanding far too much scientific accuracy from this absurdist comedy show.

The reveal in the usual suspects invalidates the entire plot of the movie. It's not clever, it's stupid beyond words.

I hope Sasha rejects him now. That would be such sweet dramatic justice.

As much as I like Glenn I'm inclined to agree with you. This is the 4th or 5th time they've based a storyline on them being separated, I'm getting so over it.

Yes, but like a lot of dumb writing choices in that terrible season, shooting at the Governors people led to nothing. They just ran away, only to (preposterously) get killed by the Governor on the roadside later for cowardice.

I'm right there with you. I thought that from the first time I watched that movie. My High-School English teacher told me that the 'it was all a lie and/or dream' ending is the laziest and shittiest thing a writer can do as it invalidates everything that came before and you've basically just wasted your audiences

Yeah, she sucks.

Great music? If there was a category at the Emmys for the Television Show With the Worst Song Choices it would go to the Walking Dead every year.

You're describing a 'functioning addict' or 'functioning alcoholic'. Having a steady job does not mean a person does not have an addiction.

I agree. I also don't think Mickey will ever really change. She'll just keep apologising and making the same mistakes over and over again until everyone in her life burns out from sympathy fatigue. In fact it would seem like that's already happening more or less, based on the fact that all of her friends are

How exactly does self-awareness cancel out shittiness? Most awful people know how awful they are. Mickey has known her alcoholism is inwardly and outwardly destructive for some time and yet she continues. I don't understand how her being aware of her issues cancels them out at all, when her problems continue

Maybe you're right and all the women in LA are just awful train-wrecks and there is a culture of superficiality, however I'd like to believe that isn't true.

My argument is that horrible people deserve each other and that Mickey is a much worse person than Gus and who deserves much less. Also, that people who think her physical attractiveness somehow over-rules her multitudes of established flaws are obviously incredibly shallow and it's pretty hypocritical of them to be