
I also liked it and saw it as a child, but a lot of stuff I liked as a child doesn't hold up. Maybe best not to revisit that one.

A Forgettable Movie.

Nope, getting sober is doing something. Going to AA is just going to AA.

You sound incredibly naive and like you've never spent any serious amount of time around addicts. Good intentions don't mean shit. There are very few monsters in the world. Almost everybody has good intentions. What matters is what you actually do.

Woop de doo! She goes to AA! Big fucking deal! She's already gone through the process and has fallen back off the wagon and she's still drinking and taking drugs by the end of the series. Nobody gets brownie points for trying not to be a destructive addict, you either are one or you aren't. Also I have no idea where

I think this criticism says much more about the person making it than the show. If you think Mickey is attractive and therefore out of Gus's league in spite of her drug addiction, alcoholism, vindictiveness, manipulativeness, boundary issues, immaturity and negativity. Guess what? You're a superficial person with kind

I don't think it's self-centredness. More likely a lack of social and emotional intelligence and / or maturity.

All of Mickeys ex's are far less physically attractive than her, that's one of my favourite subtle choices in the show and it's never explicitly explained, but I personally think she prefers to date down so that the guys she dates work harder to please her. On the other hand if you watch the whole show and come away

I think the show would benefit from a Breaking Bad style about-turn (when they changed Walter from a hero to a villain), where they stop trying to make it an actual love-story, take a cue from the audience who have interpreted the situations they've presented differently and turn it into the story of two people who

You're probably right, but I actually do think it's worth building a show around two people having a bad relationship. There's a lot of things to be gained from the discussion of such a show as it's the opposite of what most television shows try to do.

I doubt many of us would have reacted much better in the face of unexplained and intense hostility.

I think Gus's frustations on the date are more to do with the fact that she isn't even willing to try to enjoy herself.

I hate to keep making this point, but if the genders were reversed you would not be blaming Gus for the miscommunication. You would be putting the blame on Mickey for being oblivious and not being able to properly gauge that the date went badly. It would be Mickey failing to interpret Gus comments, rather than Gus's

Personally I didn't see anything wrong with it at all and am baffled by the comments saying it was one of the reasons the date went badly. I think there were much bigger interpersonal issues at play, not issues about sexual compatibility. I don't even think the shows writers intended that as a reason for the date

Before I read your comment I was about to post almost exactly the same thing. So what? He doesn't owe her anything. They went on one bad date and hooked up. They never had any discussion about continuing to see each other or what that would look like. People wouldn't even contemplate making this argument if the

There was no discussion of exclusivity. Mickey is acting like an immature guy. This show and it's analysis make a good case for double-standards between what is expected from men and women in relationships.

"If Gus really liked her for her–he would find all she’s done endearing. It’s sort of true. If everything works out with them, Mickey’s actions are cute. If they don’t, she’s a stalker"

The end of their relationship is pretty tragic, considering it could have been avoided if Gus had communicated better and didn't take her obviously emotional reaction to the conversation so seriously.

The amount of times I have heard that stupid fucking drinking song in my life made me super annoyed to hear it again. Generally anyone who sings it is not someone you want to spend time with.

Addicts generally smoke. In rehab they actually encourage it, because it helps withdrawals to become more manageable and they say that you have to tackle your addictions in the order in which they're killing you.