
All of the characters are flawed in a very realistic way, which actually makes me like the show more.

It's certainly not my thing.

This is an unpopular opinion, but Heidi also seemed to be genuinely interested in Gus, whereas Mickey has treated him with an attitude of indifference and scorn since they first met. I think Gus is intuitive enough to be able to tell that Mickey looks down on him, but that Heidi on the other hand actually finds his

On the subject of why Gus has friends and Mickey doesn't. Would you honestly rather hang out with Mickey than Gus? At least Gus seems fun. He's more likely to be trying to make people laugh than to be tearing them down with shitty cynical criticisms. Jadedness is not an attractive quality in an adult. It's very

She's pretty mean herself. Sitting there and cynically criticising the party as it's happening, going through other peoples stuff out of pettiness, generally being a nasty and negative buzzkill wherever she goes. What I'm having a hard time with is why anyone would want to date or spend time with Mickey, beyond purely

I hate her character. Seems so fake. The kind of person I would spend as little time as possible around because I'm certain their phoney bubbly air-head demeanour is hiding some unquantifiable anger and hatred towards everyone they come into contact with. It's just a matter of how much and what's motivating it. Of

This is quite helpful actually. I should be going for trainwrecks who are bottoming out.

I actually think he's very attractive, they make him ugly with bad hair and ward-drobe.

Exactly, if she herself wasn't to blame for her actions then no-one was. It was caused by the wider problems of mental illness and substance abuse.

I don't understand why people forgive addicts of agency. Sure, she might have gotten drugs from Andy Dick, but she chose to take them and she chose to kill her husband. We aren't talking about children with no impulse control here.

I feel like the jump the Shark moment for BBT, which was only ever good for a mainstream multiple camera sitcom with a laugh track and was never good for a sitcom generally, was around the second time that Penny and Leonard broke up. Since then the show has been spinning it's wheels pretty badly.

I agree with this 100 percent.

No, even James Urbaniak couldn't convince me to watch that show. I hate this guy so much. It pisses me off that he's gotten away with building a career on being an exaggerated gay stereotype and SCREAMING THINGS. Like really? That's all it takes to become a comedic actor?

Parks and Recreation died the moment they added that unfunny dude who's whole comedic persona is based on screaming things for no reason.

The Living End have more than one good album.

Right back at you chump

This is truly terrible.

This is truly terrible.

I feel the same way about Joel McHale. I like him much more when the characters that he plays are less likeable. That's a big reason for me finding him less funny in Community as it went along, they softened his character too much.

Success really bit him in the ass. There are a dozen or so comedic character actors who I would say he equally matches, but the fact that he was once the biggest comic in the world, due to genius marketing more than genius comedy, turned him into a target for a lot of unnecessary abuse.