
Young Americans - Live version

"This way or no way
You know I'll be free
Just like that bluebird
Now, ain't that just like me?"

I don't think your supposed to feel sympathy for any of the white characters to be honest. If your supposed to feel for anyone it's the Indigenous Australians. The whole movie is a big middle finger to white Europeans attempting to civilise i.e. colonise this country. The police officers wife's futile efforts to grow

n00b mistake, always take aerogard.

Prestige pictures are generally made by hack-frauds who like to play it safe and make paint by numbers movies, but Tom Hooper is probably one of the better directors of those kinds of films. That John Addams mini-series was particularly great. The real seat filler here was O Russel. He honestly thought the theatrical

Those three movies are better than anything that came before in their career and I think Burn After Reading stands up pretty good against their earlier work.

Exodus is pretty good if you can get past the horrifying 'people actually believe this shit happened' aspect of it.

It's full of dumb and boring characters that the movie was trying desperately to convince me was smart and interesting through their costuming and performances rather than their behaviour. Also it had no real plot, no surprises, no conflict, the synopsis could be written on a napkin, but it took 3 fucking hours and it

The Martian is the most intellectually vacuous movie I have ever seen.

I jut think she built up a tolerance to his influence over time.

It's not really Guns and Roses without BucketHead

And here's the law they introduced this year that allows 800 of the same top earning companies to keep their tax affairs secret.

Here's last financial year.

You'd be surprised. It is cheaper to import content than to manufacture it and that means that the small amount of locally produced content in English speaking countries is genuinely cheaply made by a bunch of amateurs and of subpar quality.

800 of the most profitable businesses in my country payed no tax this year. Torrenting may be a crime, but I'll have respect for my government and it's laws when they cease to be completely, utterly and shamelessly corrupt.

I used to do the last 3 of those things al the time when I was younger. I have a car so I don't hop turnstiles anymore. Still cinema hop every time I go to the movies. Bit too old to make it over fences too sneak into concerts. Skipping tolls is pretty hard to do though, but believe me if I could I fucking would. Oh

Procedurals aren't that big outside kill-crazy America.

It's the old 'there are places in the world other than just the USA' situation. I know it's easy to forget sometimes your head that far up your fucking ass.

I worked in a skewered kebab factory once. Earning 18.30 (AUD) an hour. It was a living night-mare. Went home reeking of meat, couldn't get the stink out no matter how much I scrubbed. It was in my skin. Never again.

Her story sucks and dragged down series 6.