
In Death In Heaven Clara says he was married four times and that all of his wives were deceased. In the shows continuity these wives are Marilyn Monroe, River Song, Queen Elizabeth and someone who is never mentioned.

Ella is an MPDG, but more like what that kind of person turns out to be in real life

What a sad and pathetic life.

The bomb probably would have worked if Jessica didn't bring it to Kilgraves attention sheerly for it's utter insanity. Kilgraves greatest weakness is being taken by surprise.

He has a military background. Wasn't 'routinely capturing and blowing up people to assert dominance' the whole premise of the Iraq war?

Yeah I don't know where the fuck OP got the idea that Simpson set any of this up, when I don't think he even knows Kilgrave is here.

Yeah, especially because they always neglect to pay attention to the balls!

Buscemi is awesome. I personally am all for more Buscemis and less fucking James Dean wannabes.

He looks like mid-heroin addiction Kurt Cobain. That's not a bad thing.

I don't feel like your giving the others much credit. Nobody takes the immunity idol out BEFORE the vote and says they are going to use it unless it's fake.

Keith has been successful in his seasons purely because of his no strategy startegy though. Everyone else is trying to play 4-5 moves ahead and Keith counters by playing 0 moves ahead. If this were a much earlier season his approach to the game would be a liability that gets him ousted early, but in modern survivor it

For a minute I was thinking they were going to announce a Celebrity Survivor season.

True, but that's the exception that proves the rule.

I liked that his question was just him doing a Jeff Probst impersonation. Was he trying to audition to be his replacement?

The 60th season will just be Probst hunting the contestants with a sniper rifle.

Or perhaps, let's let an African American guy win it for once.

Was That Yvette Nicole Brown in the audience of the reunion show?

Is Jeremy subtly trying to get Keiths attention and failing the funniest thing to have ever happened on Survivor?

Having corpses around would turn the show into the Walking Dead. Don't think that's what they're going for.

I wish they had a few more episodes with just Carol and Phil, before the other survivors showed up and they turned Phil into a huge villain.