
I think she's learned that she can't change Phil as much as she initially hoped before their divorce. They've obviously both learned to compromise and accept each others eccentricities.

I think there's something deeper going on though. The police department know they experienced something weird, but they don't want to admit it for a myriad of reasons.

What happened to the go screw yourself guy do you think? Did he take 'screw' literally or figuratively?

Does Simpson really want to be a hero? I think he mostly just wants revenge. Kilgrave did almost successfully order him to murder someone and kill himself.

I like the irony that one of the shows extremely unlikeable characters is more or less correct. Simpson has already made up his mind that Kilgrave needs to die, whereas Jessica wants evidence of his powers to help free Hope. Unfortunately she hasn't thought ahead, because if any trial did eventuate Kilgrave could

Kilgrave very much knows that the things he orders people to do aren't of their own volition. Perhaps the first few truly horrible things he did were accidents, but he can't really use that excuse anymore.

A lot of people don't develop empathy until they have rent to pay and realise that getting the money to pay that rent requires finding a way to get along with people they dislike.

I'm about halfway through the first season and the show has squandered all the sympathy I had for Phils character in the first few episodes. I'm starting to think he should have killed himself. I hope they get over this whole making him into a villain thing.


I feel like spectre kind of shot its wad with that opening sequence.

Brett crushed it.

My mother watched this on netflix, she said it was the stupidest movie she's ever seen and that she gave it one star. This is a woman who likes the National Treasure films.

Plus Christopher Walken making chicken

I don't imagine they stayed a couple until the episode aired. He came on too strong.

Wtf is Corey lol?

I only voted on the men because I didn't recognise any of the women.

A great possible strategic play if you are in a minority, give away the necklace so everyone thinks you've gone and done an Eric and votes for you, then play your immunity idol making your vote and whoever is in your alliance the only ones that count.

Disagree totally, she's great.

I watched the first season and regretted almost every minute. If you do watch it then don't watch the first season. Maybe just the episode with the floating virus and the one with the gravity villain. And the final couple of episodes with Patton Oswalt. Theres about 25 episodes and only 3 are any good.

I thought that was a line supposed to sell the idea of Kilgrave as a sociopath. His emotions are feigned and ideas of what they are informed by pop culture.