
That why the ending is good though, because clearly the Joker thought the same. For all of his good planning and contingencies he failed to account for the idea that people might not be exactly like him or that his assessment of them as self-serving assholes who would destroy others if it meant their own survival

Also Jason Mantzoukas. You can pretty much skip any episode without him.

The cast is good, for the most part. I have never found Duplass character funny, though I am unsure if that is down to him or the writing. I challenge anyone to describe his character for me or what is meant to be funny about him.

I don't disagree with that either, but I also think that he takes pleasure in punishing people for presenting these problems in the first place. Use the magazine vendor as an example, he could have simply said 'you're going to let me have these' and drawn less attention to himself, but he's pissed off by the guy

Fuck you for the spoilers and for coming here to start an argument no-one cares about. No-one has compared JJ to the Flash. We can have more than one marvel show and they should be judged on their own terms.

Exactly the show doesn't really depict her decision to not tell Luke about her knowledge of his wife's death and to sleep with him as anything other than a really huge mistake, but we're getting into spoiler territory here because this isn't addressed until later episodes.

I thought the Game of Thrones controversy was more that the book described consensual sex and the script was supposed to emulate the same, but the actors chose to take it in a very different direction. I haven't read the book though, so I may be mistaken.

I think you should probably save all of these mental gymnastics for the prologue to your Jessica Jones step-sibling incest slash-fic.

I thought they actually were foster sisters.

I actually feel like Malcolm and Jessica have a stronger relationship than Luke and Jessica, but I also think that much of the time in life physical attraction takes precedence over having stuff in common with someone or having some kind of emotional investment in them and their happiness. Maybe Jessica simply finds

Well, given how they've depicted Luke Cage in this, he'll have to be the sardonic straight man with Iron Fist as the more upbeat comic character.

I think the show makes a strong argument with Kilgrave, that anyone with his powers, will inevitably become an evil self-serving monster. It's just that Kilgrave has the added factor of actively despising human-beings and enjoying their suffering.

Not really. Unless 'cryptic enough' means 'not at all cryptic'.

I think the reason is that he enjoys causing other people suffering. He is a child lashing out at and punishing the world for mistreating him and there is no-one who doesn't deserve to be made to suffer. He is purely misanthropic, all people are despicable and capable of evil, therefore all people deserve to suffer.

It could also be hat Kilgraves powers wear off eventually and he didn't want the guy coming back every 12 hours or however long that takes.

There is a fucking wicked band from Sydney called Ted Danson With Wolves

Saying something is a bunch of noise generally implies that it has become edgier and more experimental, whereas hip-hop has gone in the opposite direction, becoming safer and blander to the point that it is now indiscernible from top 40 pop. Of course we're in a period culturally where people celebrate what's

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels nothing for modern Hip-hop. We are witnessing the commodification and castration of a genre that used to be risky and original.

Music isn't cool anymore.