
Leonard Peirce returning to the avclub will be like Norm McDonalds return to SNL. Proof of the decline.

I think more people have been getting into The Basics since Gotye broke internationally, but this hasn't been reflected in them getting more radioplay than they did before. The dominant music publications do seem to talk about them a little more than they used to, that could just be due to them having a bigger budget

Oh, and they have jerks where you're from! How adorable!

At the moment I'm listening to The Holy Soul, Fourtean Times, which I picked up at the launch last week. They're one of Sydney's best bands and have been for years, even though they have never gotten any support from Triple J, or anyone else for that matter. Not that it has anything to do with anything, but I met


You guys realise there are bands and artists from Australia that aren't Courtney Barnett right? She's alright, but there's so much better Australian music and she's not exactly original compared to a lot of the indie stuff that's been going on in Sydney and Melbourne for the last five years or so.

And only two of them are third rate Kanye Wests!

I think you need to take a long hard sobering look at the qualities on which you base your assessment of a person.

You're legitimately insane.

That's a pretty stupid reason to be charmed by someone. You realise that there are British serial-killers right?

So he's a white supremacist villain in the comics?

Arrow blows, I've never had any interest in watching it's spinoffs. It has the production values of a soap opera and the acting and writing to match.

Unfortunately this is what made me lose interest in Orphan Black. It really seemed like they were going somewhere in the first season, then it descended into Lost style wheel-spinning.

Hit the nail right on the head there.

She is an orphan before she ever meets Kilgrave and I'm not sure how far you have watched so I don't want to spoil that for you, but that backstory sheds some light on her cynical personality.

That's evidence of his whole facade to me. He claims that he never knows if someone is doing something because they want to or if they are doing it because he has told them to, but obviously Jessicas neighbour didn't want to kill himself and obviously Hope didn't want to kill her parents. He's smart enough to know

Probably not and they can always just do what they did with Winter Soldier and what it looks like they're doing with Captain America 3 and have the films be a continuation of the Avengers storyline. Civil War looks like Avengers 3 in all but name.

Seriously, where are some of you getting 'charming' from? Is it because he wears a suit?

Even in spite of the respect I have for Tennant as an actor I feel no sympathy for this character at all. He is a reptile.

Interesting point, Kilgraves powers wear off eventually so he'd no doubt have to deal with the guy returning and asking for his house back every 24 hours or however long it takes for that to happen.