
I think it's exactly that. I just hope he hasn't lost his edge.

Up top my brother.

I watched that show for five minutes and they made an extremely unfunny joke at the expense of indigenous Australians. If I were face to face with whoever was responsible there would be blood. If you are American, have never met an indigenous Australian and are unfunny as fuck then you don't get to make those kind of

Are you seriously on the side of George in this situation? I agree that the show brings up moral grey areas that are seldom discussed in life, but you should never ever double-dip into food that is supposed to be available to more than just you.

I'm going to ask you the same question I asked Wo. Out of curiosity, what sitcoms do you actually like?

Glad we could clear that up for you!

Out of curiosity, what sitcoms do you actually like?

Lol'ed just reading that.

The Chinese mailman is one of my all time favourites too.

I was burning through the dvd box set again recently and this guy really stood out to me as the best single episode character. It feels like he's doing a super-exaggerated Seinfeld impersonation too, which is great. It set the bar high for random characters who are inexplicably angry and hateful towards the main cast.

Yeah, but he's been moving in this direction for a while now.

I hate being rained on when I'm walking to my car, can't imagine what it'd be like spending three days in those conditions.

I loved the walk of fallen survivors. If only for the cringe comedy of seeing people awkwardly trying to come up with something nice to say about people they had grievances with.

Fishbach should've taken Spencer. Jeremy was justified, Tasha was not.

I have rooting for Jeremy since the beginning, but I think playing his idol to save Fishbach was a huge mistake.

Wentworth is great and playing a solid game, but has no chance of winning.

Yeah, the idea of a mixed gender basketball game with no rules was pretty terrible, of course it's going to involve a brutal amount of contact and of course that's going to unfairly affect the female players. It's not like any of the girls on the current season are huge physical threats.

If they do a second season of Second Chance are those who already competed on the first season eliminated from contention? Do you think they'll wait a few season to get a few more options of returning players to choose from?

Yeah, Spencer confirms that he did in fact, have it.

Abi has held on pretty long in endurance challenges. I think if Joe goes it's going to come down to Keith, Spencer and Abi in that order in terms of challenge contenders.