
I'm calling it right now. Joe will win this season. This was their only opportunity to get rid of him and they all wasted it by blind-siding a comparatively weak player instead.

The one I was upset about not even attempting the challenge was spencer. He had to know he was Joes closest competition in physical challenges and what a threat Joe was. What the fuck Spencer? You can tell that was also probably what Keith was thinking. I don't think he was mad about Kelly Wentworth not picking the

I really don't like the serious earnest persona Shane from Vice has evolved into, he used to be such a down to earth guy, now he's even talking it that Shatnerian melodramatic way of speaking that pompous interviewers do where, every thought, is filled, with, *weighted importance*. It's sad to see someone who had so

This joke was just as unfunny the second time.

I liked the climax with the fight taking place throughout all the different dimensions, that was killer.

Well at least I don't have terrible taste in television.

Ant-Man belongs in the 2nd tier imo.

No, I hated it.

Hannibal was a terrible show though. The only people I know who like it are are sociopaths and assholes.

The Star Wars prequel Trilogy makes The Hobbit trilogy look like a masterpiece.

I think they really wanted Joss Whedon. Abrams is so obviously a poor mans Whedon.

This must be how Jews feel on Christmas.

Ruins the entire time of the movie as well. It reminds me of the ringa-ding ding frog song. Imagine if they put the ring a ding ding frog song in Bladerunners directors cut.

Ok, you win. The prequels are slightly better than some of the worst movies ever made. Why that point matters is totally unknown to me though. I also contend that there is nothing that was made for a similar price that is anywhere near as bad

If you do a psychedlic 100 times you're an addict.

Not all recreational drug use destroys everyone instantly. Sometimes it can be exactly what you described, a bonding experience, something that you do once or twice and move on with your life. Of course you're kind of rolling a dice on whether you become an addict or not, but the same can be said of any behaviour.

No, it doesn't make the argument for you. I'm willing to bet that the prequels are worse than any of those movies. People can only be disappointed by something if it's bad.

No, he's been terrible in everything he's ever done. One of the worst things the prequels did was give rise to a number of wretched Hayden Christensen vehicles. Jumper is one of the worst blockbusters ever made and it could have been a tolerable dumb action film if they'd casted an actor with an ounce of charisma.

Is the style terrible? Is that the name of the style?