
No, I don't believe you could argue that. I challenge you to argue that.

The idea of Obi Wan doing an investigation story is okay I guess, nothing about the actual story is good though.

The cgi sets look like crap and feel like nothing.

It basically just means that people who don't know much about the inner workings of film-making are made to feel stupid by having it explained to them by people who do. There was a response people used to make to this sort of complaint. It was 'too fucking bad' or 'shut up and listen and you might learn something you

Better than Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance isn't saying much.

Couldn't disagree more. Flashing pointlessly between the prison and Newbury was one of the most annoying things about season 3.

I think this season has been solid. All the episodes have been connected and characterisation consisted. Compared to season 3 where every episode seemed to take place in an alternate reality season and the character motivation was wildly inconsistent and nonsensical this is pretty good.

Maybe he was planning on using the rocket launcher on a group of walkers, then a truck came past, knocking over the fence and impaling him on it at the same times? Then the walkers left?

He's gone full Duke Nukem and I personally am thankful for it.

He'll get one from the same place he gets his seemingly endless supply of arrows.

I'm sick of these kinds of deaths, they're so contrived. These people should be smarter than this now. Darryl was with them for fucks sake. He knows that a walker isn't dead until it's brain is destroyed and that you shouldn't treat corpses like they're people.

He's walking around with a towering giant, so maybe if he were alone he would have thought twice about it.

Forrest Gump for me is so embarrassing pandering and emotionally cloying that it becomes something other than the sentimental melodrama it was intended to be and instead plays like an Andy Kaufman-esque piece of experimental black-comedy. If you view it with that attitude it's great.

Fury and Schindlers list are two movies I never want to see again. They are also two of the greatest films ever made.

We watched Troy in History class. The only thing that movie is about is Brad Pitts abs.

The Martian was certainly boring, safe, generic and inoffensive enough to win Best Picture.

You are a garbage person.

In NSW I think you need a license to breed animals as well. Not sure about Victoria, but probably the same deal.

I think that's the opposite of the truth tbh.

The town hasn't really become more liberal though. South Park has always been an allegory for middle America. The town simply wants to seem more progressive in order to attract more residents. They're just as conservative as they were before. Becoming PC does not equate to becoming liberal.