
I visited San Francisco in about 2006. It was impossible to walk from one side of the city to the other without encountering literally hundreds of homeless people.

Did you honestly just compare fucking gone girl to the godfather?

The sheer pretentiousness of it. Ben Afflecks sexy whispered voice-over talking about how he dreams of killing his wife using the shittiest and most self-serious dialogue in the world, followed by a bunch of completely unlikeable and irredeemable self-absorbed douchebag yuppie characters introduced immediately in the

I often regret not walking out on movies. I did however walk out on Gone Girl, Poseidon and Anchorman 2.

Oh, cool, an exception, kind of like a MINORITY in other words?

Or they just pile them seperately.

Any plan that relies on Abi is going to backfire. She makes moves based purely on emotion. If they can play to that they might have a chance, but her emotions are wildly unpredictable aswell.

Keith was kicking ass in that challenge too. He's a bit of a dark-horse.

Who has been eliminated with the least number of votes? Has anyone gone home on a single vote?

Sometimes Abi's complete lack of empathy is a likeable characteristic. Sometimes.

I hear people say that about Friends all the time, but didn't Ross date a black woman for like a whole season?

Harsh Burl, ha ha!

Al Jar-Jar-Jolson

If they don't keep making death-stars the whole empirical economy will collapse *cough* cough* United States.

Right, except Bowie didn't pretend the reason he adopted those gimmicks was due to a mental illness.

Nope, she was on letterman and toured internationally years before she adopted this stupid gimmick. Sia is a fucking fraud.

Damn that's great. Imagine probst handing out buffs in little cases on the first day, then getting everyone to open them and their shock when they see that they are all the same colour.

Nope, I know what I mean. Season 2 was great compared to three which was nothing but stalling, contrived plots and wildly inconsistent character motivations, which is why Kirkman used his influence to get the show-runner that replaced Darabont replaced. Make sure you know your facts before you fucking correct someone.

I don't believe that Nathan genuinely thought people would react so positively to the viciously offensive caricatures, but it amazing that they did.

Something might happen here tonight and if it does SO WHAT!