
When he starts looking into the camera immediately. One of the funniest things I've ever seen in a tv show.

I'm talking about season 3. The worst season of the show and the one that made me almost quit out of rage before Kirkman realised it was circling the toilet bowl and they replaced the show-runner and I gaev it another chance.

Which honestly works a lot better than what they were doing before, stretching out one linear over-arching plot until it became tediously dull.

You fucking fail at basic logic. You couldn't even comprehend the my incredibly basic explanation. The egg the second creature layed was closer than the egg it hatched from. Hold a quarter at arms length from your face, now hold it an inch from your eye. Holy shit, I made it grow! How did the quarter get so much

And how do you know the egg wasn't simply closer to the Earth?

It makes sense from a marketing perspective for them to do a promotional campaign for organ transplants and use the name Second Chance. It already has brand recognition. I wouldn't be surprised if they told Terry what to say. It certainly didn't sound off the cuff.

Abi's real problem with Woo was that on some level she understands that Woo is likeable and she is not.

Jeremy is doing well at making himself not seem like a strategic or physical threat, which was the only reason he was originally ousted.

Yeah and I think that's what Joe was getting at post reward challenge.

None of the delicacies are local. The cows brain was from the Australian season. Do you really think cows are native to Australia and that Indigenous Australians ate their brains?

No-one is lasting long past their introduction in this series and I'm loving it. They've put a lot of tension and excitement back into the show by following everything up as quickly as possible. Also they seem to have learned how to do cliff-hangers where the crisis in the current episode is established by something

Season 3 was about Rick turning into Shane. Seasons 4 and 5 were about Rick turning into the Governor. I'm not sure what Rick is turning into now.

This list was severely lacking Antichrist by Lars Von Trier.

I liked the movie. Read the book afterwards and was disappointed.

I feel like we should let go of the Leonard pierce jokes now, but they still make me laugh so I'm okay with it.

I think the explaination for Ashildr showing up now is that her immortal existence was not entirely decided yet. It was unfixed and only just became fixed.

American Gods is his only good novel. Sandman had it's moments as a series, but everything else kind of blows.

I like that a show which originally started as a vehicle for Josh Thomas to further his career as a comedian has evolved into such a complex human drama with such a great cast of supporting characters. This really is a case of a show and a creative team figuring out their strengths and playing to them more and more as

He probably did, but the joke is funnier without him saying it so they didn't include it.

I like that he wasn't at all intimidated by the rabbi and stood his ground and basically said that his knowledge of and experience in the retail industry trumped anything the rabbi knew about holocaust awareness.