
Comparing Australia in the 70's to Apratheid is offensive to the victims of Apartheid. And yes, I do know who you are talking about, there are murals of those three everywhere in modern Australia. Painted by the same group who did the 200 square ft Martin Luther King 'I have a dream' mural, about 400 metres from where

Don't forget there was also that one joke about Australians being racist in Flight of the Conchords, therefore the American comentariat will have to lambast Australia for it's racism as if they aren't living in a country where 50 million native native people we're slaughtered, slavery existed for 245 years and a race

No, hell is being locked in a room full of Chris Hardwicks, each surrounded by their own posse of talentless hacky comedians.

Fun fact: Australians invented the feature length movie, but do we get any credit? Nope.

Don't worry, we can fix this just by changing the subject. Am I the only one who thinks the holocaust was totally exaggerated? I mean, c'mon guys AMIRIGHT?! Whose with me?! Anyone?

She admitted to sleeping with Marc Maron on his podcast. So I assumed she was bisexual, but really, these labels are meaningless in 2015.

I don't disagree with you man, but I feel like a lot of people probably give them food directly and that sort of stuff falls down on the priority list compared to whatever it is they're a few hours away from withdrawing from. It woud be nice if there was some other thing you could do, like give them the number for a

His taint is more familiar than his face to most people to be fair. That part of his body has more personality than his whole face!

I get the argument about them often spending it on booze or drugs, but I'm sure they don't earn enough to pay rent and start a college fund for themselves so why take away their right to get fucked up for the last few years they have on this Earth.

What's the point of getting my kids vaccinated. None of these diseases are around anymore!

Especially since most of the pricks who parrot this stereotype are from the US. The most racist country on Earth.

Sounds like Enders Game.

Is that Duke Nukems girlfriend? Wasn't sure if she died or not. I'm sure she'll be in the next episode where we learn what went down at Alexandria to cause the herd-summoning car horn.

I'll be honest. I wasn't crazy about the black and white scenes, but I understand the justification for it and I'm glad they didn't go for the standard 2 days earlier flashback after the first scene and play out the rest of the story in a linear fashion which would have been the obvious choice.

The first and last episodes of every season have always been good, usually where the show shits the bed is in the middle.

Fire doesn't kill zombies on this show, just crisps them up.

I don't think there is any explanation coming. Just the Doctors theories in the first episode of season 8 i.e. that the regenerations are based on people he has seen at some point and that his subconscious was trying to remind him of something. See my other comment on this for more.

The difference between that and Waters On Mars is that it was just one family of fairly unimportant people which survived and the disaster wasn't prevented. When 12 said 'maybe I'm trying to tell myself something' in his first episode I think the lesson was that even when you fail there is still some good that you can

I'm taking it that The Doctors hologram appearing was a fixed point in time, however O'Donnells death was undecided, because of the variable of that guy attempting to prevent it from taking place.

It'd be more interesting if they went in the opposite direction. The Doctor learns she's a zygote, but let's her continue living her life anyway.