
Great Britain on the other hand, has been invaded often and up until modernity usually lost and became occupied as a result, assimilating the culture of it's invaders, adopting their technology and learning their military tactics. It's not really any wonder that they ended up colonizing and waging war against the rest

Because they always sabotage and fuck over whoever is occupying them. It becomes more trouble than it's worth.

It's no different than listening to the radio, if you are listening at a reasonable volume.

Or they put you on a cocktail of other drugs to get you off the first drug

I have a lot of friends who are unemployed and my advice to them is always to just get some shit job they can get to locally at a cafe or whatever, save up enough to buy a cheap second-hand car and pay insurance and registration then buy some 99 corolla or whatever privately, pay the fees and immediately quit. So many

He also plays a major character on Bojack Horseman and has his own parody political talk-show where he debates puppets called No, You Shut Up.

You're a vain Popinjay!

Unfortunately I don't have one of those fancy rich guy cars with electronics, doodads and so on. My cars stereo is compatible with gramophone records only.

A lot of people think that it's 'dangerous' to listen to ear-buds whilst driving. I have even been told off by the cops for it when I was RBT'ed. It is however, not illegal.

I failed both levels of my driving test first time. When I finally got it I was so nervous that my palms were sweating and I dropped it when they handed it to me.

He definitely seems more like the kind of person who'd be really into hot air ballooning, rowing or something equally antiquated and impractical and not a more common form of transportation. I can see him captaining a canal boat whilst Scott Aukerman asks annoying questions from inside the cabin.

I listen to podcasts all the time whilst driving. Some people might frown on it, but I find it counters my road rage, stops my mind from wandering and generally relaxes me.

I found the characters on FTWD way more boring than the characters on TWD. Maybe not as boring as TWD's thinly written characters, but definitely more boring than the characters who were with the show from before Season 5.

It varies wildly in quality, but I enjoyed a lot of things about season 5, even in spite of it's crappier moments.

I came here for fun stories, drama and interesting discussion about human-behaviour and social interaction and instead I got a science lesson. I haven't felt this ripped off since I saw the Martian two days ago. This comments section is the 'The Martian' of comments sections.

Abstraction for abstractions sake is artistic cowardice.

I think he's earned a few wins after the body count of the last couple of siege episodes.

Even after we move onto clean energy, almost everything is still probably manufactured using petroleum. That's the real reason we should be concerned about the worlds oil running out.

It's always either the Companion or the Doctor. Or a fleet of Daleks, but we've already had a Dalek episode and Clara's not going back in time, so yes, it's the Doctor.

He was like this when he was 11, he was just more enthusiastic and so people got swept up in his enthusiasm rather than weirded out by it.