
Without tips, employers would be obligated to pay a living wage. With a living wage, employees wouldn't be burdened by a fucked up system where their cost of living is decided at the whim of the consumer. Truly, your economic system is one of the most unequal and embarrassing in the world.

Straight up, Australia has no tipping, minimum wage is is $17.29 per hour or $656.90 per 38 hour week (before tax). Casual employees covered by the national minimum wage also get at least a 25 per cent casual loading. And all employers need to provide super.

Or anything about women, whether it be sexist or otherwise.

I feel about Clara now what I felt about Amy and Rory after their departure in the Minotaur episode. She has overstayed her welcome.

It's pretty juvenile and dickish I have to agree.

I thought the tank was going to be the TARDIS for a few moments there.

Anyone else think that the design was inspired by the Tralfamodorians from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughter-House 5?

My favourite 7th Doctor story!

*Mostly privileged college educated middle class white people who aren't actually affected by or informed about the issues they're supposedly concerned with and don't actually do anything in their lives to fix these problems, just get fucked up and party when they aren't waging wars on the internet with their

The best subtle gag of the episode was the tableau of all the PC douchebags and they're all white guys in their early 20s.

PC Principal is too good of a character for them to kill off. I'm glad that they didn't. He reminds me a lot of one of my favourite South Park characters, Captain Hindsight.

Myles was the Grant or the original series. Forrest is way more sympathetic. Myles was a hedonistic sociopath who used the show to justify his craving for depraved human behaviour.

Considering this is the only thread that actually relates to the show itself I'll put this here. Kyle was not the mouth-piece for the shows writers in this episode as the reviewer suggests. It was actually Cartman. I thought that was made obvious in the last scene where Cartman said you're allowed to use un-PC ideas

Once Upon a Time In Mexico is a mess of a movie, his acting is okay, but he has such little screen-time that it's barely a character

Vinny D's! And the Rock! And Tyrese Gibson! The whole Fast and Furious franchise has picked up the bald pride mantel left after Breaking Bad went off the air. Also don't forget the king of balds, Larry David.

I don't know who any of these people are.

I think you can level the same criticisms at TWD a lot of the time

Rabbit populations would explode, given the amount of people who keep them as pets, the ease at which they escape their habitats and the way they breed. Also wild cats.

If you remember back to the pilot of TWD it takes at east 3 weeks for everything to collapse and the military appeared tout up somewhat of a fight before that happened.

He's my favourite character so far. Let's hope he holds onto that shotgun.