
I have to admit I couldn't watch it. The only thing I can't stand watching in comedy is someone publicly embarrassing themselves in front of a large group of people. I have an almost visceral reaction to it. I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way. It is not funny to me in the slightest but actually

Agreed, the last few minutes sucked.

If you really want to see it in black and white you can always pull one of the plugs out of the back of your blue ray player

I like Roger Cormans movie. He made ultra low budget schlock, but it was ultra low budget schlock with heart.

Can't wait for all the male feminists to show up so they can explain what women are supposed to think about this to me.

Are you in therapy, because the mouth-frothing idiotic dribble you just wrote is legitimately deranged. Get help.

There's more than one iteration of the argument. The one you've described is one version, many others have classist and superficial undertones. I'm only going to be repeating myself if I attempt to explain it again. It's the 'not treating people poorly isn't enough' argument that carries a whole lot of unexamined

Realism isn't for everyone.

You're not expressing yourself very clearly at all. I agree that 'there's no superficiality in wanting someone to treat you like a human being and not a conquest' but people who act like that are obviously not 'expressing the merest sign of human decency' but actually expressingly less than 'the merest sign of human

It's amazing how quickly rap and hip-hop musicians with rough backgrounds become Ayn Randian cheerleaders for capitalism as soon as they make a little bit of money, bragging about their wealth and looking down on anyone who hasn't been lucky enough to wind up in the same position. Not all of them admittedly, but your

You and I are both assuming that the Spice Girls friends aren't dudes. Seems like a bit of an oversight.

Not on the Internet where everything is a bullshit binary.

The denigration of the 'nice guy' also has an element of classism to it. The break-down of the argument being, so what if you simply aren't an asshole, what do you have to actually provide a woman that would make her want to date you? With the implication that being that the expected provision is something like wealth

They're declaring their polyamory and that it's a deal breaker if the dude isn't also polyamourous. If you want to be my lover you've GOT TO get with my friends. The dude doesn't have a choice. Seems okay as long as the friends aren't swamp beasts.

I have no interest in Miley Cyrus, is it worth listening to this just for the Lips factor? They have always been a band that dares people to like them

The fried chicken line is worse than the soy latte line. What was he dating a black chick or something? Why does she care about fried chicken?

Fail avclub, we know who Mr Jones is. He's the journalist who complains that the musicians he interviews don't respect him in Don't Look Back aka Terry Ellis.

I have never found Family Guy funny. It has never been a good show. Just a mediocre crapfest with 80s references.

