
I think people have complained about it being over-rated so much and for so long that it's come around to being under-rated again. All the performances were pretty great, particularly Crowes and it's certainly a better movie than a lot of recent prestige biopics. The Imitation Game being a recent example.

I think Poseidon is one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few.

Some Huffington Post journalist brought it up in a Late Show-esque attempt to get him to be self-deprecating and make fun of it and he basically put her in her place by telling her that a gig is a gig and he was incredibly proud of it because it allowed him to build a studio in his house and break into voice-over

He's been in that state of maturity for his entire career.

He's a benficiary of action films coming back into fashion, getting more studio support and ultimately as a result, more critical acclaim.

Poseidon is one of the only a handful of movies I've ever walked out on in a cinema. Many I have regretted staying to watch until the end, but only a few have I ever completely given up on. What a fucking mess that movie was. Shocked that there hasn't been a HDTGM? about it yet.

That or cookie-cutter beef-cakes with waxed abs and faces that all blend into one. Jai Courtney, Sam Worthington, Channing Tatum and so on.

He has a Guy Pearce-ish look in that header photo. I don't see the McConaughey thing at all.

As much as I love it and therefore would like to believe in it's importance I can't bring myself to agree. You can look at how the live music industry scaled back significantly during the GFC for context. Music is one of first things thrown out of the metaphorical life-raft when things start getting difficult. As much

You must be almost deafened by the whooshing sound of points flying over your head. The comments listed above, for example that such and such band has no right to exist now that such and such band does are timid compared to the average review here. This kind of criticism and much much more negative stuff too is

Yeah, fuck those people.

Hard does not equal unenjoyable.

I didn't mean to convey that. My criticism is of some of these in particular.

Oh cheers dude, because I'm totally arguing that sexism and racism doesn't exist! Way to not miss the point at all! Also, if you have to hedge your bets like that, the case for these experiences being based on sexism is growing weaker.

Im female. Avatar = me.

My criticism also extends to the websites writers. C'mon people, you all know what you're here for. Can't wait to read the legion of people telling the next artist to get a D or F grade in the music section that they are nothing / should quit / their work is derivative / worse. You're a bunch of hypocrites and you

I disagree. It's more a reality that people will try anything not to accept.

Um, I am? You guys will upvote anything snarky, even if it doesn't make sense.

Except when it is, like you just described immediately after making that statement.

I think the Yes story too is desperately mining for controversy. Did she already introduce herself to the band? Did anyone else introduce her? What was the context? How are they supposed to know who the fuck she was?