
So... Florida then?

You’re goddamn right he is, and as a registered Dem in Upstate, I know that the goddamn party is going to push for him to run to be the POTUS in 2020 and we’ll get shithoused. Again. Because we can’t figure out a way to appeal to a larger audience


No way

Giant Meteor 2017

I’m sure he forgives

Joe West is an ass

People love their kids. People also HATE hearing how great other people’s kids are, until those kids might end up being able to score them choice seats at the All Star Game or World Series

Maybe if it was only a suggestion I’d still have the job

As an addict, I get it

Wrong, weird times interest me too, like what the hell is 17:30?! My clock only goes to 12!

3 things,

I love the “mutually agreed” part, I like to tell that to potential employers too, “well we mutually agreed that my employment at that company was no longer needed after I told my supervisor to chug a bag of dicks”

You know they will

Holy shit, it’s kind for dusty in here, you guys see that too right? All of this damned dust in here? (Sniff) someone needs to do a better job cleaning with all this dust in the air

Like they always say, it’s impossible to prove a negative

So basically these precious snowflakes can’t POSSIBLY deal with someone not liking their guy so they need to interrupt a play? SAD! LOSERS!

I have finally made it to my vacation, I have a short shift to work today but after 11.5 months I am finally able to take 1 week off from my horrible job and head to the most magical place on the planet, the place that I asked my fiancée to be my wife, Old Forge, New York. I love you babe, and I love you Old Forge

Hot take alert.

Fuck you