

Fucking love Ashley and Emma but goddamn it I’m going to miss Emma, and that’s a fucking awesome response by Ashley

This is bullshit. I’ve lost too many strong women from Gawker (I will not call it something else) and goddamn it losing Emma is a knife in the gut

Wait, we’re losing Emma?!?!? EXPLAIN YOURSELF MARCHMAN!

“My cock isn’t public fodder, since I only talk about my character’s cock and not my real one so let’s make AJ destitute for the rest of his life.”

You glorious mother fucker

Fuck yeah

I laughed out loud to the point of near tears reading this exchange out loud to myself

The only thing Maryland is good for is Old Bay Laura and you know it

I think Drew is full of shit, that shirt exists still and it needs a public execution, and I say this as one of his biggest fans

+1 old day

Goddamn it Dave you make a hell of a point

Has Drew ever worn the awful Chopped shirt around any of the staff(I know he’s remote and lives in that asshole of a state known as Maryland but I digress) and if he has, why has no one Facebook live streamed lighting it on fire?

You can have my cat, he has 13 toes total on his front paws. Enough for more than an extra paw. He’s dumb but awesome

Fuck me! I can’t read. Pay no mind to the asshole. Just move along

So much love for this response... fuck face

Have you ever been online? It’s always good to personally attack people

I live in the Adirondacks brother, I know cold, I also know that “dome” is used to describe any enclosed stadium. I’ll say it again, you knew what he meant

Fixed roof bullshit then fuck off you know what he meant, it’s still an enclosed stadium you ass

Rand University was the fucking balls, I loved that piece from beginning to end, very enlightening