"Sure, she may have loved it. But it's definitely, definitely not for me."
Welp, you're in luck, it's not for you.
"Sure, she may have loved it. But it's definitely, definitely not for me."
Welp, you're in luck, it's not for you.
if the woman he was proposing to didn't have a problem with it, YOUR having a problem with it seems pretty petty.
I already called it a homicide, which is what it was ruled. Facts. If more people simply believed the facts instead of "what they heard" or "what someone told them," a lot of this arguing and negative discourse could be avoided. The rioting and lying to grand juries could come to and end, too.
No, see, it wasn't, and no amount of arguing can make that true. You can call it whatever you want, but calling it murder is incorrect. Murder is a legal definition, applied to crimes that are adjudged to be such. There is first-degree murder, where it is premeditated or the result of another crime, and…
Murder? The police officer in question was neither indicted by the grand jury nor convicted by a court. Just because you are upset with the outcome of this poor man's decision to disregard a police officer's lawful orders and then resist arrest doesn't mean you can make libelous claims against this officer by…
i agree robbery doesn't warrant death... but thats not why he was shot.
You're a little behind the curve on the evidence chief.
That's not what the documents that were released or the transcripts said. It actually said the opposite. Not that the fact is going to change your viewpoint at all
YES. YES. THIS DOES ACTUALLY HAPPEN JUST AS OFTEN AND THE MASS ARGUMENT IS STUPID AND NONSENSICAL. Women take up a TON of space with their stuff on the subway, I see it every god damned day. Jesus Christ. Born and raised in New York City, women are JUST, JUST, JUST, JUST AS AWFUL ON THE SUBWAY.
Miss Piggy is Kermit's girlfriend. Minnie is Micky's girlfriend. Wilma is Fred's wife. Homer is Marge's husband. Why is it only when couples are gay is this seen as "sexualizing" puppet/cartoon characters? You should reevaluate your double standard when it comes to gay people's relationships.
By "sentence reduced", do you mean the charges were reduced? Or he was convicted of a lesser charge? And usually prosecutors cannot appeal an acquittal.
That's not something good about SeaWorld. That's something cute about manatees.
I am a voice over actor. Very fair payment here, considering she only had a few lines, and probably knocked it out in a day. She got paid scale! The success of the movie unfortunately does not add to an actor's payment....especially one that had three lines.
So... you would like people like the Vogue readership to stop being clueless, and yet criticise them for publishing an article on how to avoid cultural appropriation- "it would have been nice if they had just focused on the fashion in general instead of making Sall explain cultural appropriation to white people."
I admit it. I had that zing coming.
That wouldn't have been honorable of me.
"So dashley's friend did something wrong and had an affair with a married man. Should she stop being friends with her?" You are quite the expert craftswoman of strawmen.
Yes. Especially for the 2 year old. Children's bodies absorb alcohol more quickly then adults, have a much smaller body mass, and their small livers are not able to process the alcohol. One shot of alcohol to a 120 lb adult is more like 6 shots to a 25 lb toddler. The child could experience confusion, difficulty…
She's fucking a married guy. She's fucked him for two years. It wasn't some 'whoops, we were drunk and made a mistake'. She is shitty.
You are making excuses. And fucking outside the marriage, when the spouse hasn't clue and therefore can't make fully informed decisions about their own fucking life because it is all secrets they are in on, is incredibly destructive. And there is absolutely no comparison between that and not dating a brunette or a…