
I think the reason for WFXT's decline in ratings was that they got rid of the local segments on their loooong morning news program, like having local bands play on the show, bringing in local guests to talk about a locally-made product or service. It was a local verion of the Today show. The fact that they were very

Actually WFXT was owned by News Corporation (Fox) until the trade.

"I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women—I just start ripping their heads off. It's like a magnet. Just tear them off. I don't even wait. And when you're an alien they let you do it. You can do anything … Grab Ripley by the Jones. You can do anything."

@disqus_j5dvrVFHSh:disqus, you're probably confusing wasps and yellow jackets for bees. Honeybees and bumblebees are quite docile and will only attack when threatened. (I say this as beekeeper for many years.) Wasps and yellow jackets are just plain aggressive and nasty!

I'm sorry to tell you this, @avclub-c2f1c4ca8c389f37c0d3c838bb27ef25:disqus, but the benefits to the world far outweigh your allergy. You can carry an Epipen, but bees are essential to pollination of many, many crops in the world.

Where's she gonna find one of those? Oh wait, Bannon. Never mind.

Hellooooo Angela! I'm Mister Ed!

Yeah, and tell him that beard looks even more stupid than his combover.

"Mr. President, could you explain to us why your hands are so small?"

Mr. Hanky has it all over him.

No, he tripped and fell out of the White House.

She still has indigestion from forty.

She has to be at least a 3 for him to do that.

The man who Trump thinks is Leader of the Free World meets with Trump… in his bathroom mirror.

Third party? We need a fourth party, a fifth party, a tenth party! We too can have a government that can never accomplish anything. You know, like Italy. Oh wait, we have two parties and we can't accomplish anything. Never mind.

I have nothing against Kaiser Bill. He made some great sandwich rolls.

"terrorist fist jab" Oh, that ED Hill! She was the perfect ignorant foil for Dumb and Dumber. What a trio. They made Fox & Friends what it is today.

You mean like what happened after I ate two bowls of corn?