
Fun fact: In America we also have Freedom of the Press, which means you can’t legally get in trouble for beating someone to death with a rolled up newspaper.

If we treat Rape like an unmentionable horror of a taboo, that will hurt victims of rape more than anything.

Rape, like murder, is an action.

“Feminists are bad at sceince”

Doesnt realize menses actually does contain embryonic tissue

haha this is why I fucking hate men

Nailed it.

They ended up recommending a total of 236 years, so I’m not terribly worried about it, but I imagine it worked something like:

They had legitimate worries that the witness pool infected itself, and each woman broadened her allegations based on the others. Or there wasn’t corroborating accounts for each of the stated

Why are we blaming his mom?! Oh right, it’s always a woman’s fault!

talk about a dark reboot...

I’m afraid they are no more than “these women ruined my life!” tears. Like so many sex offenders, that’s the only way he’ll see it and he’ll never actually take responsibility for his actions. Which is exactly why he needs locking up, away from a society with vulnerable women for him to prey on.

Seriously. The way Oscar Pistorius cried in court every day, snot every where, throwing up. Like, Jesus, get a fucking grip, asshole. You killed your girlfriend in cold blood with four “zombie stoppers” that basically destroy an entire skull, and suddenly you’re a kid again and can’t stop crying in public. That

It’s an indictment of our society that the media didn’t think this was worth covering. Imagine if this was about dozens of white women? All lives clearly don’t matter.

Disneyland is super fun. Haters gonna hate.

You know, I don’t understand why LB would remind its customers that they aren’t thought of as “equal” when working to revitalize their image. Shit like that and the whole Real Woman campaign may have worked in the nineties and naughties, but plus-size women have had far better options for a couple of years now. LB

Definitely the weirdest. I had a dream about the villain in Jeepers Creepers and he was a community college art teacher who was just misunderstood. And very good in between the sheets..

I could be really into him in person, I think. He’s just got something about him.

So... ISIS?

I had my weirdest sex dream years ago at 19, nothing in my more adult life has trumped it. I was seduced by a man in a gazelle mask, not like an African traditional art mask, but like a legit gazelle head placed over his head. I followed him into a building, which turned out to be a bread factory and we banged (myself

It involved Joseph Goebbels. Yes, THAT Goebbels. That’s all I’m going to say.

I once had a dream that my sister and I were sharing a bed, and then our dad starting raping her and I was kicking him and spitting on him and whatever and he didn’t stop. And then I woke up wanting to puke.

Your name is stupid to someone else, somewhere.