
What you don’t understand JoeBryant is that he didn’t work in the porn industry for other men. He worked for women as well, who demanded that performance just as much as men. If you were a really cool sex-positive dude or dudette then you would get it.

It’s naive not to understand that ANY man could be. Not every man. Any man.

This is such an unconsciously asinine statement. How exactly does one “stay safe”? The OP is right. The only way to decrease your risk of sexual assault is to decrease your contact with other human beings and especially men. Now I’m not really doing that. And just because the OP is recognizing this fact doesn’t mean

Lol. Why not? Why expend even a second’s energy remembering to remember that we might get lucky. I mean, I’ve gotten lucky too. I’ve never been raped. But I still don’t expend any extra energy thinking positive thoughts about men. Because that’s energy and there’s no prize or that.

Now, for years I also thought he was her brother. But then someone told me, “No. He’s her husband. Why would she have to be celibate her whole life if it’s her BROTHER in the institution?” So now I don’t know what’s real.

She was 90s fat. 90s fat is a phenomenon that people born before or after a certain date just don’t fully understand without detailed instruction. I, being fully in touch with 90s culture, can readily identify which of the four women in this photo are “fat.” Whereas my students would probably fail this test of 90s fat

My theory about why people (including me) watch this movie is because it’s the ultimate escapism in so far as the persons in it do not behave like any human persons have ever behaved. There is something comforting about watching these aliens wearing cozy winter clothing do totally incomprehensible innocuous things

Honestly, the relationship between the British dude and the Portuguese gal is NOT that weird in the scope of the movie. It’s staged a little cheesily. But they do spend a good amount of time together and get to know one another. The REALLY weird relationships are the following:

Now playing

I am amazed at how many people don’t know about Jonestown. (That’s not a criticism of anyone. LOTS of people don’t know about it.) It represented the greatest loss of civilian life in US history until 9/11. Almost a thousand US citizens including a congressman were murdered in one day. You’d think it would be taught

Visually, I actually think Selma is very interesting. Maybe the sound editing in spots is a little weak. But that’s not the problem with the film. The problem with the film was that it changed the wrong historical details. Too much of the target audience was too invested in the collective memory of those specific

Starting pay 11USD/9CAD.

Oh God. People who try to turn “nerd” into a socio-political identity should drop dead. Like, actually they should drop dead. A nerd is simply a person who is highly literate in at least one subject, and/or who has the leisure time to devote themselves to that subject. Literacy and leisure time are the hallmarks of

This. Women with that kind of risk, who’ve actually seen cancer take down members of their family often develop severe, even crippling anxiety around the issue. The relief of actually being able to do something and significantly reduce one’s chances of ever getting cancer must feel fantastic.

You might be a realist but you’re obviously not an informed one. We actually don’t know how common it is to experience “negative” symptoms with menopause, especially early menopause. It might not be that common at all. NPR had a segment about this just the other week:…. As for the

Two words for you: Baby arm.

The people who drafted this petition are just idiots. “The modern day equivalent of Black face”? How can something be the “modern day” equivalent of a practice that’s currently in vogue? It can’t, of course, and this line is more offensive than anything in the Zoolander 2 trailers. Way to try to force a POC alliance

Yes. When I think of resilience I think of Hemingway.