
Funny enough, 70% of the vandals went home before it was time to smash windows and put sugar in gas tanks. Win/win (Lose/lose)!

Denis Johnson playing a man with a knife in his face in the movie based on his book Jesus' Son.

"If he can't find a good fit[...]" he'lll just wear the pants unbuttoned with a belt.

Thank you so much, sir

By God, I think Batman would have been able to turn his head in that thing.

You're right, and I'm wrong. But my mom says I'm right, you total pussy cunt. Thanks!

You turn thirty in LA, and you get traded in for a newer model and given the La Jolla beach home as hush money.

A shitty quarterback by any other name still smells like a bust and a 2-day hangover.

That splice is the first thing I saw when I read that paragraph. The administrators in this stupid ordeal, are cunts.

Brett Brown was gracious in the loss, saying his men were out coached and out played.