My Mom Says I'm Cool

Ok, I'm gonna say it, that was pretty good.

My pleasure. Having 98% of that movie memorized rarely yields any sort of benefit for anybody, so I have to take the opportunities when I can.

I, too, liked it more than I thought I would, but I didn't think I'd like it at all, so…

They're still working on transportation, though. What would you recommend?

That's just what someone who works for the DEA would say! He's a narc! Scatter!

You've never heard of My Chemical Romance?

The Black Parade is a great and funny album. Not for the reasons the band intended, but still.

I don't think I've ever liked a movie in spite of itself more.

Get right the fuck out of town!

I liked your almost non-sequitur of, "I was born in 1983." It was like you knew what you were saying was probably gonna come off weird, so you had to throw in that you were age-appropriate.

I think I know what's being alluded to, but I'm not comfortable with it.

But it did have Christopher Lloyd saying, "Great Scott!" It doesn't make any sense, given the context, but still…

The man simply enjoys ample posteriors and is incapable of dishonesty in that regard.

"She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro."

Because this is the internet, and "It's mystical and from a fucking comic book, shut up" isn't a sufficient answer.

Actually, he's seen shit that would turn you white.</pedantry>

Pixar seems to go in for the father son dynamic a lot. Finding Nemo, Ratatouille and Up all had elements of that.

I've always felt like the "talking about men" part is limited to discussing them as romantic or sexual partners, potential or otherwise. If the scene includes two women talking about President Obama and his policies, would that mean it fails?

I also feel it's worth noting that in Finding Nemo, Dory is allowed to just be a funny character, and her gender is completely irrelevant, which should be, in part, the end goal of these kinds of discussions.

I always thought it would be funny to make a movie where the only Bechdel Test-passing scene features the female characters talking about the Bechdel Test.