
At least his hair conforms to white standards!

Bennett remained on the bench with a towel over his shoulders

Kwame Appiah has a way of talking about this I really like: if we want to be proud of our country, then we have to be able to be ashamed of it, too. And if we have public rituals for expressing pride, then it seems natural and reasonable to use them to express shame as well.

.... Or rather, good thing that Michael Bennett isn’t a quarterback and thus doesn’t throw the ball at all, and good thing you can tell an obvious joke when you see it.


During the various wars of the first decade of this century, I would stand for the anthem, but protest by bowing my head and keeping my hands down rather than place one over my heart. As a working journalist covering prep sports in a conservative area, I expected to receive criticism. No one ever made a comment

I think the time for letting Trump-loving footballers like Brady, Cousins, Wentz, etc. get away with saying things like “I’m not political, I just play football” or “that’s just my personal belief” is well and truly over. If these fools, whose teammates are ~60-70% black, won’t condemn the violence and won’t condemn

And, of course, Bennett’s reasoned, mature, rational explanation will, I’m sure, go a lonnnnnnnng way towards defusing the reflexive reactions of the hot takers, FB politicos, and those who love America’s idea of gun ownership and freedom of speech (Obama/’libtard’/people-of-color-and-other- religions hatred), but who

He’ll never throw another pass in the NFL if I have anything to say about it!

Depressing that he has to qualify a simple gesture of his personal dismay by pledging fealty to the military and hot dog sandwiches. The military already gets close to a trillion dollars a year, they don’t need my undying devotion.

Well, definitely not in a local storage unit out on Hwy 61. Nope, not there.

The dead body smells better.

Dead body will be moved after 1 hour?

How do you tell the difference between a transit worker and a dead body ?

Only the rotary has ever been a big quality / reliability issue for Mazda, from what I now. Care to inject some knowledge into my brain?

As much as I bash on the Miata, Mazda is arguably the best all-around auto manufacturer in the game. Smart use of technology and materials, thoughtful and tasteful design language, more-than-reasonable pricing...

I really hope this works out for Mazda and their sales go up. I want them to get more money to make nice things for us.