
Fries with mayo mixed with a tiny bit of catsup.

Either side could Be the left side, though, depending on which way you're going.

Oregon is Washington's Mexico.

If Oregon is so white, why did Chip Kelly leave?

You know who else played football at Temple?:

He was literally the closest competent basketball player.

I agree. It's easy to say "I'd do something different" having already DONE the football thing. It's much more difficult to go through life without knowing what-could've-been.

At least he made sure the puck was wearing a rubber.

Did anyone else notice that all of those names have one 1 E and two L's? STAY WOKE. #Illuminati

Eh, fuck that guy.

Its the b-ball version of the Belichick tree!

Somebody's got too much time on their hands.

Depends, if you are over 240 pounds, KG is near the bottom.

Isn't this the fucker that raised the terror color wheel higher before elections to scare people?

I'm surprised he didn't get the foot rails painted.

Please stop typing for 48 hours.

A Season on the Brick: My Year Laughing at Kobe Bean Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers

Best. Beej Face. Ever.

How is something called Chris Capuano and MLB all star used in the same sentence?

I eagerly await you post dissecting what has got wrong in this article.