
One of the few guys in the music industry I can fully say I enjoy everything he ever put out.
From The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches' Three Cheers For Disappointment (still one of the best summer albums ever) to We Cool?, Jeff covered just so many emotions and musical genres, it's hard to pick a favorite record from his

"My Response To An Article In A.V. Club"

"Do I look sweet, Butters?"

"Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't we try to live on this planet TOGETHER? Maybe we're not perfect beings, but we built a better town, we didn't need YOU to do that! And we will keep on trying to make it better!!"

I found the episode to be just as good as the previous ones. It's nice getting the boys acting together again, even if they ended up getting distracted all the time or fighting each other.

Was pretty buzzed last night so I don't remember some of it, but this was a fine episode. Maybe not as immediate as the previous half-hours? While the running joke of Cartman saying that he never told ninjas were gay was just OK, messing up his schemes because he couldn't tell anyone apart in the ninja group was nice.


He used to talk to his toys/Clyde frog a lot, but ever since their brutal dismissal, Cupid Me has been there to fill that void.

"Everyone was so proud of you… and I was just being selfish. I like gay Craig. I love you. Here’s a hundred dollars."

"I never wrote fanfiction or drew fanart though, that was something only losers and weirdos did."

How GREAT was Randy trying to discover what "yaoi" meant and calling China instead of Japan? "I'm sorry, I don't speak Asian, but… huh… YA-YAOI! YAOI, right? Boyzu Lovu. How does that work?" had me in stitches.

Big Gay Al and Mr. Slave also got a cameo, although it was at the start of the episode.

Two A- in a row? I don't know man. Maybe the AV Club is trying to please a Whole Foods representative?!

It's been a while since the last episode with Mayor McDaniels (I think the last ones were "200" and "201"), it's nice to have her back, the episode was a lot like the earlier ones. While not as funny as last week's episode, Randy's infinite "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO" while he was on the phone with Whole Foods was fucking

The amount of "kill himself/herself" jokes they did these last couple seasons is alarming, though. I like when they use this type of humor more sporadically.

Oh yeah. I'm looked at season four's episode list, Matt and Trey were on fire!
And "Trapper Keeper" will ALWAYS be a classic. "You're all acting like a bunch of kids" gets me every time.

The last Stan speech that I can remember was at the end of "Ass Burgers", and since then, he started to act less as a voice of reason and more like Randy in my opinion.

How often do you look at a Canadian girl's flappy head, stare deep down her beady black eyes and say you want to try a nice Slow Cosby?

"There were several candidates during the Canadian elections… one of them was this brash asshole who just spoke his mind. He didn't really offer any solutions, he just said outrageous things. We… we thought it was funny. No one really thought he would ever be President… IT WAS A JOKE! But we just let the joke going

Even earlier episodes like the "Quintuplets" one (referencing the
Elián González affair) and "Osama bin Laden has Farty Pants" (the aftermath of 9/11), from season 4 and 5 respectively, were pretty current at the time, but the "ripped from the headlines" episodes got more frequent since season 10 I think.