
The primary fallacy in this argument is this though: This assumes that the person in question didn’t also pay in to the roads, to the schools, to the police and the fire department. They paid in as well. So, negating that, it boils back down to the same thing. I should have their money because I want it.

You think the Walton’s keep their money in secret vaults somewhere waiting for inflation? No. That money is, in large measure, invested in new companies, ideas and ventures. How else do you think she gets richer. Its not simply by sitting back, she puts the money to work making more money. Sure, some of it is in

Dante Jordan is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. He enjoys making people laugh

If you looked at the part of this guide that talked about how people were going to think you hate them, but you’re not really the asshole, and it made sense to you, you’re probably the shitty co-worker.

It means that unions decrease the number of jobs in order to increase the pay for those jobs. Workers not lucky enough to get a union job are forced to compete for non-union jobs, lowering the pay for those jobs. There is no free lunch.

It said nothing about his kid not being taken care of. If his ex can’t find a way to take care of herself and the child with $200k tax free over the past two years, she’s the one with the problem.

...they divorced in 2014, shortly after his NFL career ended.

It’s almost certainly just confusion at the fact that Germany’s official national anthem doesn’t start at the beginning. The first two stanzas are officially still in there, but they’re like the extra stanzas of Star Spangled Banner.

Look at this hawwwwwwt take. Where was it written from? Starbucks? Anthropologie?

neatly capturing the blithe, criminal ignorance that characterizes both Trump himself and the many dozens of millions of morons who thought he should be the leader of the free world.

For the millionth fucking time, Adam Schefter was not and is not bound by HIPAA.

Wouldn’t the evidence of protest “working” be the actual policy change (which neither happened nor does it appear to have it increased in likelihood of happening)?

I miss the old jalopnik.

Ok, so what do you suggest we do? Allow China to continue its expansion into the S. China Sea, build up military bases on these islands, asert it’s dominance in the area completely, control trade, and then let them fuck us for the next 100 years because we want everyone to play nice?

Nothing in this article is the truth, or fully the truth. Trump derangement syndrome. For example; Bannon is NOT on the NSC. He is allowed to attend meetings. BFD. Trump did NOT call the Taiwan President. She called him. And so on, and so on. How much did Soros pay you for writing this crap?

“Because they have no union. They are not organized. And therefore they are at the mercy of their company.”

How was he a dick? He got a smart ass response from the author to a question about a photo, credited to Rolling Stone, posted at the top of her article. Jesus H people need to chill the fuck out.

This is a great example of why unions fell out of favor over the 20th century: too often, they cozy up to big business and exist primarily for enriching their leaders at the expense of the workers whom they are supposed to represent.

Are people going to do this for four years?

My dream is for Tottenham to finish second; it guarantees an Arsenal title.