
Makes fun in a good way though, not shitting on other shows. Classic as fuck. Personally I don't think there is much hope in anime with the overwhelming amount of light novel adaptation each season. There's just so fucking many... Even if we get anime like Madoka or Kill la Kill every once in a while. And Attack on

As a fighter I find that kind of shit appalling. Everyone works their ass off before a fight, they should have nothing but respect for each other.

I don't even know that I would call the scene where the woman's head is bitten off more realistic. For me part of the problem is that the CGI looks VERY obvious, so instead of being sucked into whatever's happening, you're distracted by the way everything looks like animated putty. I don't know. It's hard to

Oh, it's a Suntory ad. So they're trying to sell alcohol to minors?

Also acceptable: I don't always drum, but when I do, I drum in the science classroom.

Drumming in the science classroom. "I, too, like to live dangerously".

So a poop simulator running a 4k 72 fps is therefore not pretending to be artistic and actually is?


The same reason they like SNK one word "edgy"

This is the first positive review, i think, for this anime. An if you wanna explore the concept of vengeance, just go watch some Korean movies, not this.

This looks like shit AND like the type of anime exemplifies everything wrong with modern day anime.

You guys need to check out Kingdom too!

Nope I have not.

I want to start of by saying I love anime, and will even watch a series I don't like to enjoy the art work and symbolism presented in the media. However, I've been getting a little jaded by the flood of series that hold themselves up on comedy, filler and fan service....I'm looking at you Shonen. This isn't to say

Guys, do not watch Akame ga Kill, it's just a generic battle shounen but with lots of gore and an incredibly simplistic black/white morality.

I'm gonna watch this for two reasons.

Because their parents would have done it ages ago and student salary is ridiculous.

Basic mythos is the same and one character from Persona 3 appears but it is very much its own original story.

because shit is kind of epic fam..I mean who the hell was expecting that. Anytime you look at the statue you'd say to yourself "that shit was epic"

honestly though Hunter X Hunter is the best anime