The Hades arc is also good. Just note that it takes place after the original series. And things like why these people have these powers or wear this won't be explained. Or barely explained.
The Hades arc is also good. Just note that it takes place after the original series. And things like why these people have these powers or wear this won't be explained. Or barely explained.
I don't consider myself a manga purist, but this anime adaptation did mess up with an already not that great series. It felt incredibly rushed, SPECIALLY in this second half you are talking about. One can tell that fairly easy without having even read the manga counterpart, I'm amazed you didn't point that out…
Which was awful, so there you go.
I was thinking more Jojo or Fist of the North Star. Although I guess it's all pretty much the same thing in all 3 shows.
That interview broke my heart.
Yeah, plus the fact that the male cast was put through pretty much the same things really meant it stuck out less... It really felt like "Yeah, we might have had fanservice in mind in the beginning, but this is our concept now and we're taking it somewhere entirely different."
Swap out SAO for Fate/stay night and you're good to go.
Watching the anime should be condemn-able by death, it's probably the worst manga adaptation I've ever seen. They did a horrible job portraying Keneki and most of the characters and groups. It's really sad too because shortly before the manga got super popular (right around the time it was ending) I had high hopes for…
nnnnnnnNope. But oh well, everyone has different tastes.
The theory of catharsis is Freudian. Like everything else Freud propounded, it was eventually proven to be inaccurate as a psychological theory.
I personally consider Akame Ga Kill! as a higher end Fairy Tail, a Fairy Tail were people die. I don't expect much from it, just pure entertainment. To me, it seems like it tries to hard not to be a typical shounen, but fails miserably. Like you, Richard, the deaths mean nothing more than "oh, so people die here" to…
The delay for AC is understandable. There'll be women in the movie, and they take longer to render.